Hi there, I have known about Lucid dreaming for many years now and have tried it half heartedly a few times. Since I have found this site though I am determined to give it another go.
I have been recording my dreams for years and am interested in dream analysis, so recording them is no problem. Although there have been times when I record more than others and the last few months have been a bit barren and I have got out of the habit. I have also been going to bed far too late and drinking liberal amounts of wine in the evening. Not good for dream recall.
Anyway after reading parts of this site last night my mind was full of lucid dreaming. So I went to bed early with my dream journal.

I had a dream that I kept going back into after each sleep cycle and there was one person in it who I actually cant stand but that seemed to be enough for me to actually say to my self in the dream that I was dreaming. I spent all night with this person I cant stand and even went on holiday to thailand and to the dentist and he started working for me. I borrowed some baccy and had a roll up, which was nice as I have been quitting lately.
I have never been able to do this before and maybe it was because I went to bed so determined last night.
I felt really chuffed when I woke up and I know I didnt have full control but there was a definate sense of being aware of what was going on and haveing a feeling of influence over it and being aware that I was dreaming.
Can someone tell me if I am on the right track please