Hello, I am new here. XD Well, not really...I've actually been around here since September, reading posts under guest and stuff (and, i've learned a lot about LDing from it, too!). I've been thinking for awile on whether or not to join, and what to call myself, but now, here I am. XD Under the name StarGazer2 (was gonna be StarGazer, but that was already taken, soo I disided on the 2 at the end XD).

I've joined up here soo I can talk about Lucid Dreams with others that are intrested...by now, my friends on AIM and stuff are probally getting a little annoyed (not as into the topic as me). xP

I don't know how active i'll be, though (i'm not as big a forums goer as I used to be, anyways).

Hmmmm...A little more about me? Well...I am female, and actually, i'm also a bit of a gamer, too (and, i'm pretty good at those video games, too...for a female that is). I prefer not to talk about my age, though, but if anyone here like's Pokemon, Digimon, Sonic, Kirby, or the like, feel free to PM me! I also sorta like anime a little, too.

I'm also quite an animal lover, too...lol

Well, I hope I have fun here...and, I hope I can make some new friends, too.

~Posted by the one who's called themself the random 'StarGazer2'