• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Aug 2007

      Red face Ahola all, i'm kinda new

      hey there all you beautiful people, i joined this site a couple of months ago but my visits decreased little by little as time went by (you know how it goes, life happens etc) anyway, i was not extremely active the last time round, so i thought i would introduce myself again and start with a clean slate

      My interest in LD started a while ago when i stumbled across another site directing me to this one, needless to say, the more i read the more fascinated i was and before long i started trying this stuff out for myself.

      I have been marginally successful but have only really had two or three LD's (four if you count one that i had years ago - how great it was to fly around in space without knowing a thing about the wonderful world of dreaming )

      Anyway, the reason i was and am so fascinated by the whole dreaming experience is old hag syndrome, for those of you who don't know, it is an occurence that takes place during sleep paralysis, where you can feel hear see smell etc everything as though it is happening in real life, except you can't move - and then breathing is restricted, sometimes very strange images appear and in my case, the situation gets pretty violent and out of control. This has been 'happening' to me for years now, and it really freaked me out at first, but since i started reading up about LDs and thanks to the Dream Views site, i am calmer about all that shit now.

      So anyway, that is my story, my goal - to establish control with regards to getting lucid, and what i do/experience when lucid, so that the control may filter through in my 'real' life and vice versa.

      a big welcome to me

    2. #2
      Same great taste! Achievements:
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      Flavour of Night's Avatar
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      Hi dizhanfinitys! Welcome back to DV!

      The hag is an old friend of mine as well. I've long understood the experience, and that's helped to make it much less severe. It is often our reaction and attitude toward this experience that either takes the edge off of it or pushes it into the red on the heeby-jeeby-o-meter.

      Even with knowledge and experience, I got nailed hard a few years ago by one of the hag's buddies who I've taken to calling "the rock demon". I was camping, and waking up during sleep paralysis was the last thing I expected, so I freaked first and asked questions later.

      If you ever find a stone with a natural hole through it, hang it on an iron nail near your bed. It might provide some comfort to know that you have a "Hag Stone", purportedly good for warding off such intrusions.

      Hypnapompic disturbances such as the hag are associated with sleep paralysis coming out of sleep, while the far less severe hypnagogic disturbances are more associated with sleep paralysis going into sleep.

      If you feel like reading up on it, you'll find a fair bit of information on Google by searching for "hypnapompic" and "hag", or simply "night hag".
      Last edited by Flavour of Night; 03-09-2008 at 07:50 PM.

    3. #3
      Back by Unpopular Demand NeAvO's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      Why hello there

      About time you posted eh? The old hag is an interesting occurrance, it's believed to be the cause of most UFo abductions and possessions. You can't really do much about it I'm afraid except know that you can't be harmed from it and try to use it to help WILD. You could try a VILD by visualising a scene you would like to dream and use the SP as a gateway into the lucid.
      NeAvO's Nightly Journeys
      Adopted: Hazel AngelGirl Shadowsand
      <img src=http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t58/NeAvO_2007/neavowx4.png border=0 alt= />
      Courtesy of Goldney
      Quote Originally Posted by Vex Kitten
      You're just jealous that I'm more of a man than you could ever be, sweetie pie.
      Shoot for the moon, even if you miss it you will land among the stars.

    4. #4
      Same great taste! Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by NeAvO View Post
      The old hag is an interesting occurrance, it's believed to be the cause of most UFo abductions and possessions.
      NeAvO, have you read any statistics based on geography/culture of where the "UFO abductions" seem to occur most frequently? I imagine it should have a "developed world" bias to it.

    5. #5
      Back by Unpopular Demand NeAvO's Avatar
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      Jun 2006
      Quote Originally Posted by Flavour of Night View Post
      NeAvO, have you read any statistics based on geography/culture of where the "UFO abductions" seem to occur most frequently? I imagine it should have a "developed world" bias to it.
      You'll notice that the more religious families have "possessions" and demonic activities where as the people that are more into UFOs tend to have abductions ect.

      By the way, I said, "it is believed" and didn't give an opinion on it. I left it as an open statement just to spark a little bit of general knowledge and information.
      NeAvO's Nightly Journeys
      Adopted: Hazel AngelGirl Shadowsand
      <img src=http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t58/NeAvO_2007/neavowx4.png border=0 alt= />
      Courtesy of Goldney
      Quote Originally Posted by Vex Kitten
      You're just jealous that I'm more of a man than you could ever be, sweetie pie.
      Shoot for the moon, even if you miss it you will land among the stars.

    6. #6
      Same great taste! Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by NeAvO View Post
      By the way, I said, "it is believed" and didn't give an opinion on it. I left it as an open statement just to spark a little bit of general knowledge and information.
      Just as I said, "A Hag Stone is "purportedly good for warding off such intrusions." We've got all types here, and while I wouldn't expect such a stone to ward off anything, there are others who would.


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