• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Apr 2008

      New to forum but I LD since I was 16

      Hello all. I realized I could lucid dream about 13 years ago... mostly in responce to the amazing amount of nightmares I was having back in high school. Then I was waking up breathing hard and scared crapless about 3 times a night. I eventually learned I could control the dreams to an extent. I had some major changes in my real life and that helped also (yeah for Jesus). Any way back then I still had the nightmares but I could now fight back back instead of being paralyzed. So instead of getting eaten, shot, blown up, and such I was winning my nightly wars.

      Now I really enjoy my dreams and can usually influence them but I dont go nuts and fly around all the time.

      I want to start journeling my dreams as soon as I wake up so I can keep track of them. Some are really cool, some are of course just random, and others creepy as heck.

      Ok on to the questions...

      1. I have found a few areas in my dreams I consistently cannot alter. Whats the deal with that? I seem to have some locked boxes in there that just dont happen

      2. Whats up with all the violence?

      3. Are the confrontations I have where I am a hero of sort, the same as the self defense fights when stuff comes after me? Lately I have had some grisly ones that didnt bother me as it was happening in the dream but disturbed as I thought about what happened while awake. I am wondering what all the conflict means: is it just fear, paranoia, change, insecurities manifesting themselves or is it just my minds way of cathartic ass kicking the daily frustrations? This is my main question.

      4. Most of my dreams dont contain people I know, at least the ones I remember. I would guess only about 20% would contain family and friends, does anyone else have this?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Dream journals are a great tool, I think you should start right away.

      1) it's just a mental block. After your control gets better you can do absolutely anything. In the mean time it might be nice to learn how to fly, that way you can simply fly away from those areas.

      2) tv, movies, that's probably why your dreams are violent, we are a violent society.

      3) Probably just day residue from something that you saw or heard or did.

      4) very common, I mostly either dream about a very select group of people or completely random people.

      Oh and

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jan 2008
      LD Count
      2) Emotionally charged experiences ingrain a deeper memory trace in comparison to those without such intensity. Given that the fundamentals of dreams are composed of salient memories, then this may be a possiblity.
      "I'd rather have a mind opened by wonder rather than closed by belief." - Gerry Spence, "Postponement fertilizes fear; action cures fear." - Schwartz

      WILD: 29
      Supposed OBE: 6 (29th Jan, 3 on 10th August, 2 on 5th November)
      DILD: innumerous


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