Hi everyone. Glad I found this forum and I hope that I can get some help here. I have always had lucid dreams as long as I can remember. Some of my dreams are just terrifying to others when I share them...but to me...while I am dreaming I know they are but a dream and I can be like a "dream master" get away...fly away...change the ending...you get the idea. Mainly, I have not been afraid of my dreams in a very long time. Now I have started having lucid dreams that I wake up from in a "false awakening" and then converse with the person in what I think to be reality only to realize I am still in a dream world. I then try and convince that person to help me wake up. I have actually rocked back and forth in bed and called out for my husband to wake me. This is happening more frequently. And also, I should mention these dreams all happen within my home setting, usually originating from the last thing I did. If I went to bed...I wake up in my bedroom surrounded by people. I have heard people cooking in my kitchen. I have conversed with a child in my bedroom. I saw an elderly women in the last dream. I feel like I am dreaming in layers sometimes. Anyone out there with similar experiences? I dont believe in hauntings....am I just stressed out. I have a whole list of weird things and really too many to list in this posting. Maybe I have a tumor? I dont know, but I am getting afraid to go to sleep and not being able to wake up in a true reality. Please help.