• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Nov 2008

      Where I left off

      About 10 years ago I got into lucid dreaming for a short while with only a little success. My reality check was trying to breathe through my pinched nose. In about a year of trying, back then, I think I had a total of 10 lucid dreams, and maybe only 1 or 2 that were very interesting.

      Well, I discovered this forum a few weeks ago and my interest was rekindled. I tried a WILD, based on a tutorial on this site, but I ended up keeping myself awake all night. Woops! I'll try again soon.

      I'm posting my first message though, because last night I had my first (unplanned) lucid dream in about 10 years! I did my nose pinch, and what do you know, I'm dreaming! The dream lasted about 10 minutes before I woke up, and it wasn't particularly eventful. I kept it tame, knowing that I might get too excited and wake up if I tried anything funky. Instead, I just explored the dream world and marveled at looking at different objects close up. I absolutely love to see how the brain creates detail out of imagination.

      Anyway, I'm excited to get into this again but hope I have more success than I did in the past.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      Out Chasing Rabbits
      Oops, you must not have woken up at the right time, keep trying.

      MILD and DILD with WBTB are much easier for people who are inexperienced. I'm sure that if you stick around DV you'll have more success than the past

      to DV

    3. #3
      The Anti-Member spockman's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2008
      Welcome to DV.

      And yeah, with a group of supporting LDers and an active community you should certainly do better at LDing than when you LDed without!

      I commend your ability to LD on your own in the past, that just goes to show that you have natural talent in the area.

      If you have any questions myself or any of the dreamguides will be happy to help. There are some really good tutorials, too. If you want, I can point you toward some of my favorites.

      Otherwise, it's good to have you.

      Happy Dreaming.
      Paul is Dead


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