So I've been working on my dream recall and doing RCs yet I still haven't had a lucid dream (ever, for that matter). I have been able to recall particular scenes and random things that stick out. I have usually been getting about 5 hrs of sleep at night, waking up for around 15-30 min. and trying to go back to sleep. For the most part I have been using autosuggestion before I fall asleep and about 75% of the time I can remember something, 20% of that being somewhat/fairly vivid after waking up 90 min. later. A few times I have tried WILDing using the Hemi-Sync recordings and a few times without. The problem is that when I lay there trying to remain conscious while relaxing my body and visualizing my dreamsigns and flying and such etc.. I feel like I can never get back to sleep. Sometimes I'll take off my sleep mask after staring into darkness for what seemed like 30 min. and it's been 60. I can feel waves of relaxation after a while and a couple times I think I entered a very subtle state of SP. Am I using the wrong methods or what is, in your opinion, the best technique to use when going back to bed after around 5-6 hrs. of sleep? The help is much appreciated, thank you!