WARNING: Rambling post

I'm kinda working on my dream recall these days.
One of my biggest problems is the motivation to wake up enough to write the dream down, rather than just falling back into slumber.

the idea of working backwards through the dream works kinda well for me. also usually later in the day, another dream from the night just pops up in my head and I'm usually to busy to write it down or take notes, so I soon forget it again.

anyway the point of this topic, just some food for thought
I just find it interesting about practicing lucid dreaming is that its entirely psychological. I guess its completely intangible.

Sometimes I feel frustrated that the memories of my dreams can sometimes be so vague and unclear. Then again so can my waking memories. I don't know if I'm different from other people, but I'm pretty sure my memory is not so good. One of my friends even says I have "a goldfish memory".

So what is life but a series of memories up to the present point in time?
Can memories ever be trusted?
If I have bad waking memory, will my dream recall be bad?
So interesting, as dreams are meant to be when waking memories are converted into long term memories. (or something like that. need to do more research)

Anyway, you just gotta love that movie "Memento"! gives a lot to think about.
. . . sometimes I wish my major was psychology. haha.

sorry for kinda rambling, but would love to discuss this stuff. *^^*