When I first got into Lucid Dreaming, I was blown away reading people's Lucid Dreaming experiences. I left the computer desk wanting to get that exact feeling; the feeling of LUCIDITY. Knowing that everything surrounding me, was made up of my pure imagination. I could do whatever I wanted, and be okay! No worries of the consequences that usually take place in the waking world.

The question I often asked myself each time I walked away from the computer, was "What does it take to Lucid Dream?"

Sure there are methods people can practice that will eventually get you to have a Lucid Dream. There are vitamins you can take to increase the vividness of your over all dreams (Vitamin B6). What some people overlook is the fact that there is something more simpler that will get your to Lucid Dream probably faster, with a mixture of techniques.

The simple concept is KNOWING...

Knowing: 3.to be cognizant or aware of: I know it. (dictionary.com)

Knowing or being aware of the fact that Lucid Dreaming is possible. Knowing the fact that eventually in your life time, sooner than later, you will have a Lucid Dream. Know that each night you go to sleep, you will dream. Simply for that matter, appreciate that fact. Because each night you sleep, is a new night for you to have a Lucid Dream.

Knowing this concept that you are able to have a Lucid Dream makes life 100X times easier, and takes the stress away of asking yourself "Can i even do this?"

After you have established the fact of knowing you can have one, the next step is beginning the process of making yourself have one. If you have the right mind state, the right focus, even after reading this, or anything off this website you could fall asleep and have a Lucid dream right now. It's all matter of will power. MIND OVER MATTER as they so say.

Believing in yourself is a big part of it. Doubt should never cross your mind, nor should TRYING TOO HARD to have a Lucid Dream. Sometimes, or in most cases, trying too hard to have a Lucid Dream can hinder your chances of becoming Lucid. i am big on just taking it step by step. Not getting frustrated when you don't become Lucid, or missing something so simple that could of caused you to check your Reality.

The reason why I never get frustrated over the issue is because I know the next time i take a nap, or go to sleep for the night, I have another opportunity to Lucid Dream. If you build yourself and prepare yourself for the moments when you sleep and dream, you will already be a head of the game as far as inducing a Lucid Dream. It just takes waking preparation.

Dream Journals are a must. However you want to write your dreams out, so that you remember them is up to you. When you get a few dreams down in your dream journal, have a look back at them and see if there is any reoccurring events. Those are what are called Dream Signs. When these dream signs appear, if you get it inside your mind to do a Reality Check when these happen, your chances of gaining LUCIDITY become easier.

Reality Checks are a big talk around here. It's the basic concept of asking yourself in waking life if you are really dreaming, or awake. Eventually your mind will become so use to asking itself that question, it will soon ask itself the same question, when you are dreaming. When I test my reality in my dreams, I usually plug my nose to see if I can still breathe. It works 99 percent of the time, therefore allowing me to become Lucid.

The over all reason I am writing this article is because I see a lot of newcomers become frustrated when they aren't having any Lucid Dreams. That is the main reason why they aren't, is due to frustration. If you just sit back, relax, and understand each time you sleep and dream is another opportunity, it will lift the weight off you, and frustration will be out the window.

Just keep writing in your dream journals, and keep doing reality checks. Then one time soon, when you fall asleep and dream, you will find yourself asking the greatest question of all "Am I Dreaming...?" then when you do your set reality check you have for yourself...Lucidity is the next step!!!!

I hope this small article has helped you out somewhat to just calm yourself down if you are the one who has been frustrated. Just know you are just as more able to have a Lucid Dream as the next person. It's all about how you handle the situation and deal with it. Eventually, the time will come, when you awaken and your dream. The next question after that is..."What do I want to do!?!"

Take care and Dream Lucidity
