• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member immortalitylost's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2010
      In my head. It's more economical this way.

      *waves* Hiya. I have dream dejavu.

      Well, I'm confused... From what I've heard of lucid dreaming, it's a very all or nothing thing. I've always heard that it's very distinct like that. Like being well... lucid... ok, I'm done...

      So now I don't know if I've had a lucid dream...

      I had a dream the other night where I distinctly thought, while still dreaming, that I'd had the dream I was having before. Now, as it turns out I hadn't. And that's weird in itself. Dejavu in a dream? Wat?

      So, when I realized that I'd had the dream before (in the dream), I just kinda kept going along with it. It wasn't like an "Oh, I'm dreaming" shock. I was just like, "Meh, reruns..." And I just didn't do anything to change it even though i never forgot that I was dreaming. I didn't even think of being able to change it. Totally makes sense. I'm lazy like that.


      So does it sound like a lucid dream? Or just a strange normal dream?

      Dream dejavu indeed... *grumbles*

      Dingo-ate-my-baby crazy...

    2. #2
      Toonami Faithful FortressForever's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2008
      Greetings and Welcome to Dreamviews!

      I have experienced this dream deja vu many times before. Just like you said, I'll be in the dream and have a very strong feeling that I had done the same thing before.

      A lucid dream is any dream in which you realize that you are dreaming. You said that you knew you were dreaming so I'd say that was a lucid dream.

      There is--though I do not know how there is or why there is--a sense of infinite peace and protection in the glittering hosts of heaven. There it must be, I think, in the vast and eternal laws of matter, and not in the daily cares and sins and troubles of men, that whatever is more than animal within us must find its solace and its hope. I hope, or I could not live.


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