I dreamt last night that the world was ending at least that was all the fear and what it felt like, in the beginning there was great fear and everyone was panicked, the world it seld literally turned upside down then right side up again, then we started getting closer to the sun, so our nights were longer and days were longer too. There was a man there who was like a troll, very short but very smart and helpful. I kept telling people that we were not meant to survive this long because other people had left and taken their homes with them, literally sucking their houses from the roots and leaving with them, alot of buildings were in shambles and I remember telling who may have been my mother that I was going to need to go to the medical store for my supplies, there was running water and electricity which I thought was weird. The sky was a deep grey for the longest time and we were wanting the sun to come out, and then it did, for a short time only though,