• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2005

      Hey, Im New Here

      Hey everyone i'm need to this site just thought id introduce myself. Ive been reading these forums and looking at the site for about 2-3 weeks now....i just havent posted.

      Since visting this site for the first time i could never remember one dream. I have improved my dream recall alot! I can usually now remember about 2 dreams/night.

      Any tips you guys can give for trying to become lucid would help. Ive had great dream recall for about 2 weeks now....i just cant seem to go into the lucid state. It just seems as if while im in my dream i can never look or do a RT.....so im always just "going with the flow."

      Any suggestions would be great...thanks everyone for your time....and ill be posting more often to keep every1 updated.

    2. #2
      Member Mystical_Journey's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2004
      Swimming with Ducks in the Bath
      Welcome to the fourm

      You managed to sort out the first step of actually remembering your dreams (2 dreams a night is pretty cool).

      have you checked out the website connected to this fourm? It has all the information to start learning Lucid Dreaming (if thats what you want to do).

      Also a cool book to check out is "Lucid Dreaming: A concise guide to awakening in your dreams and in your life" by Stephen LaBerge is a good start with an Induction CD.

      "going with the flow." is a good idea
      "I was looking back to see if you were looking back at me to see me looking back at you".

      Be Here Now

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      Welcome to DV!

      Yah, I'd check out the main site if you haven't already and then take a look at the tutorials for different techniques you can try. Don't worry if it's not working right away, also. It took me 3 weeks to get my first but it was well worth it! If you have any questions you can feel free to ask and if you need anything related to the site itself, you can send me or one of the other Dream Guides (DGs) or mods a message.

      Sweet Lucid Dreams!


      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."


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