I wish my computer had been up so I could come in earlier with this...

For this new year write out a list of things you really want to do. Can be as few as 3 or as many as 10. I wouldn't advise going lower or higher than that. Preface each item with "I want to..." Add pictures. Ignore price, obligations, realism, anything at all that says in your mind you can't do it. Just write out your list. If things are on a certain date write down the date. Include as many specifics as you wish. Have it or a copy of it in your pocket when you pick out your calendar. Pick the calendar that feels right, even as you hold the list. If you already have one go calendar shopping anyway, while they are still in stores, and pick another. Throw out any that fail the test.

Think of this as each calendar has a possible future for you, and one of those is closely aligned to your list. Bring everything home, place the list in the back of the calendar. Tape it there with painter's tape or pin it in place. Never look at it again! Now go through the rest of your year with a feeling of possibility. When something amazing happens write it down on the calendar, the day it happened. Say a thanks to the universe, God, your Higher Self - whatever you believe. Let the thought of any of those things on your list coming true add a little bounce to your step, a little hope. Do not become disappointed if things do not happen! The purpose of this is to open the door to possibility and lift your spirit. At the end of the year, as it comes to a close, you can look at your list to see which items you were able to do.

Highlights from my list include yoga training in an exotic tropical location, attending workshops by Robert Moss, Bruce Moen and Betty Edwards, visiting the Fallingwater house, and going Fly Amantis (Amanita muscaria) shroom hunting with a few friends!

Have an excellent New Year everyone!
- DreamBliss