so i do most of my internetting at work, and i'll probably be pretty busy at work for the next couple of weeks. as you may know, i am moving to berkeley, california, in about 2.5 weeks (i leave utah on august 14). so i will only be working until august 4, and for part of that time, i will be training my replacement, so i don't know how often i'll be able to get on here. at the moment, i don't have internet access at home, either. and i have no idea after i move how long it will be before i get regular internet access. so i might be around infrequently or not at all for at least a little while. but i will be back, eventually!

so are there any DVers in the bay area? if so, we should get together after i move out there. and if any bay area DVers need to hire anybody, i'm your man! i'm still looking for a job out there. my experience is in pre-press book production and typesetting, but i'm a fast learner and willing to do just about anything i can get paid for.