I know I haven't posted in a while. Things have been hectic in my life. Just started the fall semester of college, gotta bust some ass so I graduate next year. I read the forum everyday though I don't have much time to post right now. I'm actually not sure if I've been around long enough that anyone would even wonder where I went. College is pretty fun but this semester will be pretty boring because im taking mostly general education electives. I'm taking four classes this semester

Logic, Design, and Programming (My ONLY computer course this semester)
Introduction to Sociology
Principals of Macroeconomics
Financial Accounting

If anyone wonders I am majoring in PC Support and Administration with some networking thrown in just because its a useful skill to have. So if you have like a computer or technology related question you can always PM me and I'll give you my best answer.
In other news, I may have had another WILD. I still haven't added it to my counter because I'm not 100% sure. I finally broke the cycle of waking up after 15 seconds in my lucid dreams. My last two have been 3 minutes and 5 minutes. Anyway that's just kind of a little update on me, if anyone was wondering.