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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2006
      I'm going to be interviewed soon for the university I want to enroll in. They aren't going to see any of my grades, my SAT, or anything about me at all. So it's important that I make a good impression on them (about four people are going to be interviewing me).

      They're going to be looking for enthusiasm and your ability to handle stressful situations most likely. I need tips on basic stuff: Should I come in smiling? Should I shake each person's hand while saying "Hi." "Hello." "Nice to meet you." etc.? What should I wear?

      Also, I don't know what kind of questions they're going to ask me.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      The main thing is to show them that you are a confident individual and that you are capable of acting rationally in an unfamiliar situation. By all means be cordial and introduce yourself if they initiate an introduction, however, if they already know your name when you walk in then it would alright to ask their names so that you know who you are addressing. And absolutely smile when you walk in the room as part of the greeting.

      As for what to wear, basically wear something that says "I care about my appearance." That doesn't mean wearing a tuxedo, but a nice pair of slacks and a dress shirt and tie will make a good impression.

      As for the questions they're going to ask you, don't get too worried. Again, just be confident when you give an answer, and respond as best as you can. They'll know that you're a little nervous, but try to not take too long when they ask a question. If you're wondering about what kind of questions they might ask, just look up something like "College Interviews" or something like that and I'm sure you can find a list of sample questions you might be asked. At least some of them will probably be along the lines of, "Describe a time when... and how you got through it." (minus the word "got" because that's technically not proper English )

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jan 2006
      This is an early entrance college for sophmore students looking to pursue a career in science, mathematics, or medicine. I'm sure the questions will be different.

    4. #4
      Member Kaniaz's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2004
      They aren't going to see any of my grades, my SAT, or anything about me at all. So it's important that I make a good impression on them (about four people are going to be interviewing me).[/b]
      If I was ever to be principal I'd make sure to see all of your grades, your SAT, and everything about you ever?

      My advice is burn the college down. Don't worry about reprecussions. Reprecussions are for squares. BURN! BURN!

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Sep 2006
      Quote Originally Posted by Dossberg;
      I was sitting in on interviews at an art college last year. It was really interesting to see how many prospective student actually did not know / or seemed to know what the course entailed. I know art school is different but make sure you know exactely what the course is about and any specialities they offer so you can gear your replies towards expectation. Talk to current students if you can. Bring grades anyway to be sure. Also, I did not know this until a few months ago but a trainee solicitor told me to never wear a black suit with a white shirt. It looks to much like a waitressing outfit. Be relaxed, calm, enthusiastic, confident and assertive. Not too confident, remember you are there to learn.
      Beware of sweatty palms. If you don't understand a question ask them to repeat it. Ask for a moment if you need to think about your answer instead of stumbling and getting stressed. Body language is important. Try not to fold your arms or cross your legs away from them. In some posh unis, the interviewers place you on a higher chair and pretend not to be interested, this is all psychology shit. Don't care about it.
      Most importantly: be yourself.
      Some people imagine the interviewers naked when they get stressed, it seems to help.

      Hopefully this will be somewhat helpful. Emma

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Jan 2006
      When they're done asking me questions. What will they do? Do I just get up and leave?

      Just trying to get this perfect for maximal chance of acceptance.

    7. #7
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      Well, when they say that they're done and you can go, just thank them for the interview and that it was a pleasure to meet them.

      Just don't make any faces or sigh heavily until you are away from them

      You'll be fine

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."


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