Well i just got back from our Prom, it's a bit less serious and generally more relaxed then the American prom but it was great fun, i dont often get to dress up:p. I had great fun dancing with high heels on and wearing earrings!!:p

Lol im in a good mood but some of my friends didn't go....twas last chance to say goodbye to everybody too

So i was wondering, did anyone here not go to their prom and why? I know in America the whole find a date thing is very important, here there were groups of girls and guys, we met and couples spent more time with each other obviously, but it wasnt a focus at all, no one cared, too much fun! So is not having a date basicly THE reason not to go to the classic American prom or for people that didn't go, where there any other reasons? Or just discuss how yours was!

Know on the gaming forum i had to say " Ok guys im in a great mood but please my threads have a habit of turning into flame war crap so to celebreate the start of my hols, lets please just be mature in our answers"

i dont have much hope for the pre-pubscent idiots in there, but you guys i like so im sure i dont have to ask that:p