Alright, so I thought maybe I'd be a bit lenient when it came to something like this, but really it's gone on much longer than I'd like. At first I thought it was just a friendly joke Kromoh was playing on me but as the PMs and emails went on things just got more serious, and I'm tired of it. You're probably wondering what I'm talking about... well, yours truly has been being frequently harrassed by Kromoh for the past month and a half or so, and it's starting to piss me the fuck off.

I didn't want to say anything cause I like the kid and was gonna give him another chance - I even sent him warnings to stop but he ignored them. Then I saw this in SB recently and it shocked me, because if I wasn't the only one he was doing this to...

Quote Originally Posted by Spartiate
Banned for coming on to me, we have strict regulations regarding sexual harassment you know.
I know I know it's SB but why do you think he would put this there.

I've deleted most of his PMs, but fortunately I recieved one last night concerning the newest pictures I put up in the "Post Your Picture Thread," as proof... warning, it's a bit explicit and might shatter your image of your 'friend' Kromoh.

Quote Originally Posted by Kromoh
Hi my darling

You know what I still don't get? You keep saying you're not gay. Just look at this:

How can you say you're not gay after this? C'mon!!!!! And need I not to add how the heck hot you are in that pic. Makes my teenager mind boggled But my favorite one is still this one:

Except, of course, for that bitch by your side. Do you have a webcam?

I like you a lot and you know it Coldy. I find you so sexy. You eyes, your hair, your skin. You're just too damn hot I can't control myself.


And where exactly do you live? I think I can cross the border for a visit. We may even go to the movies together and do fun stuff.

Please reply to this PM
I'm seriously requesting something big here, mods/admins... whether it be a ban, so be it. I'm tired of this shit going on behind the scenes, and I'm sorry to bring this up now but it's not like I've asked for anything big in the past. Please please please, get this creepy fucker off my back.

Enough, Kromoh.