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    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2008
      Ohio, U.S.

      Last Person on Earth

      You wake up to find that everyone has vanished. You are the last person on Earth.

      What would you do? Where would you go? How would you get there?

      What purpose would there be in doing anything?

      None whatsoever. At least that's what I think.

      If I was the last person on Earth...

      ... I would find a car that is unlocked with the keys in it. I'd drive to a gas station and fill up on gas and supply myself with food.

      Then I would drive. Recklessly.

      I'd drive to New York. I don't know the way, but what's the rush? There's no schedules, no plans or commitments, there's nothing. Then I would find a lavish and expensive place there to spend the night in. The next morning I would finish off the rest of my gas station supplies.

      I would have to go get more food then, if I planned on surviving. I would get boxed snacks like Cheez-its for the time being. Then I would just walk around New York. Thinking to myself. Not very hard, and not very much about anything in particular. I would let my mind wander until I'd realize that there isn't much purpose left for me on the planet.

      I'd then sit down.

      And wait...

      For anything to happen.

      I would spend several years doing this, moving from place to place, emptying grocery marts and the like, moving like a restless nomad. I'd walk and think and sit.

      Then, I would have an idea.

      I would hop in a car, preferably a fast one, and drive away from New York. I'd drive and drive until the car ran out of gas. Then I would walk until my legs gave out.

      And as I would be lying there, be it in dirt, grass, gravel, sand, shallow water, I would look up at the sky.

      And then I would die.

      But I wouldn't die of old age, or cancer, or pneumonia.

      I would die of loneliness...

      What would you do?
      Last edited by poog; 11-01-2008 at 01:58 AM.


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