You'll find your personal starsign here they repeat every 52 years I think (maybe 54).

This page has a basic summary about your sign (or as the mayans say glyph)

You can be in one of 4 coloured castles and each of those has 5 glyphs and then each of those can be one of 13 tones. The tones are the bit that matters quite alot as it colours alters that basic reading you'll find about your glyph on that page it can even reverse it.

These are all the main 20 glyphs you could be (gotta love Red Skywalker - luke)

I'm Yellow Galactic Seed (above)

My hippy peom that goes with it is

I Harmonize in order to Target
Modeling Awareness
I seal the Input of Flowering
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I am guided by the power of Elegance

and was born in the Year of the Blue Rhythmic Storm

Some people might have a sixth line in the peom representing either a portal, or core day (sacred days in the mayan tzolkin ((calendar))

Post yours...

P.s I had a reading done on it complete with the galactic tone by a great Hippy dad of an old girlfreind and it was very acurate.