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    Thread: Hebejeebies

    1. #26
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      Quote Originally Posted by Zhaylin View Post
      Today, after using the toilet, I poured in a lot of water to flush it and I noticed a HUGE yellow and black fat spider. *shudders* Who knows how long that sucker lived there! *shudders*
      Zhaylin...why did you tell me that??

      Spiders give me a major case of hebejeebies. Two reasons mainly.

      1. The way they just sit there...I have never seen a spider crawl. They just sit there, waiting and watching, ready to pounce at any given moment.

      2. They don't die quietly. I don't like getting close to them, so I rarely smash them with books. Most times I'll spray them with bleach . But no matter how I try to get rid of them, they always react so quickly! You know what I'm talking about, when your attempts to kill them fail they start spazzing out, their legs flailing around everywhere as they scatter for safety.

      It's disgusting and terrifying to say the least.

    2. #27
      USA Xox is offline
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      I love to say "heebie jeebies." Such a fun word! =D

      In my old house, we used to get a lot of crazy looking centipedes during the summer. Oh man..when I saw one, I just used to freeze. Couldn't do anything, just stared and watched it move around. Scuttling.. -squirms- At some point I'd brave up and try to kill it, and usually did so. I used to freak out so bad when they got away.. In the sink of the 1st floor bathroom, I remember there used to be a centipede in the friggin sink every single day. I guess I got used to it, I used to kill them every day. I doubt I'd be able to handle one now.

      Along with the centipedes, there used to be these large cockroaches during the summer. Not even going to get into them..

      Luckily there aren't many bugs and such in this house. We get these large and insanely thin light tan spiders, but they don't bother me at all. And ladybugs, which don't bother me either.

    3. #28
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      Anything full of little holes. No idea why that one gives me the heebejeebies. The most disturbing instance of that was seeing drawings of various vaginae in an anatomy book, wherein the hymens were all malformed. In one diagram, the hymen completely obstructed the vaginal opening, save for a bunch of little pinprick-sized holes. Creeped me the hell out.
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    4. #29
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      Bug thread?

      Eww, don't we have enough of these...im already getting itchy GAH!!!
      I would rather die on my feet then to live on my knees.

    5. #30
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      Our Farm house gets huge black centipede/millipedes (?) too. I usually don't have the heart to squash unintentional visitors. Most of the time, I try to catch them and place them back outside if I can. The only exceptions are roaches and jumping, furry spiders.

      I used to think my youngest daughter was crazy. She used to be terrified of ladybugs and swore they bit her. I had never heard of ladybugs biting, so I wrote it off as her imagination (this was back when she was about 5 years old). Then a few people told me that ladybugs sometimes do bite :O

      Here's something else for your hebejebee enjoyment. Starting when I was about 6 months pregnant with my youngest daughter, I had a HORRIBLE case of the itchies. It drove me absolutely batty and I often scratched my skin off. When she was born, I slept with her on the couch, breastfeeding. When she was about a couple weeks old, she was covered in so many bumps she looked almost deformed. I took her to the doctor and he gave us a cream for body lice. I disagree with his findings though because body lice are EXTREMELY contagious and I often shared a bed with my husband and I had 3 other kids who didn't catch it. BUT, I have a very large personal bubble that I'm not comfortable if other people get too close, so the couch I had claimed as my own. Other people rarely sat on it and if they did it wasn't for very long. And the couch came with the trailer we were then living in. So, I think they were bedbugs.
      But in any case, I was afraid of even shaking peoples hands after that for a while. The doctor said contact can be as brief as that and you can still catch body lice from an infected person

    6. #31
      Emotionally unsatisfied. Sandform's Avatar
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      Well right now I'm too afraid to sleep because there is a roach in my room.

      I hate roaches. I'm...

      Ok within writing that I found the roach and killed it. I made a lot of noise when I killed it but it is finally dead. Everything about roaches makes me disgusted. I'm even afraid to kill roaches because sometimes you don't quite kill them and they make that nasty motion that they make. Even if you do kill them they make a freaking nasty mess when they get squished. This one has been crawling all over my walls and I've been trying to kill it for a while. It is so gross...they jump off the walls and then start flapping their disgusting wings and I get so scared that they are going to fly at me. I hate to kill stuff anyway, but this thing crossed the line when it crawled around on my bed. It had to die.

      I made such a noise when I killed it though, I hope that I didn't wake my parents.

      I hate roaches, I hate them, I hate them, I hate them. They disgust me so bad. I don't mind little roaches as much as the big fat ones that take it upon themselves to clean themselves right in front of you. Yuck yuck yuck.

      I'm still in paranoid mode though. Fucking roaches... I wont be able to sleep until I haven't seen any roaches for a long time.

    7. #32
      The 'stache TweaK's Avatar
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      What is it with you guys and obsessing over metal on teeth? I usually slam my teeth with the cutlery ferociously. Okay, maybe not -that-, but I do touch spoons/forks/etc with my teeth and I LOVE IT.

      Sandform, I hoped you gassed it or something? I at least hope you didn't squash it. When you squash it, as a "last resort", they sort of... squirt (ew) out their eggs. For every roach you squash, you will cause some more to come into existance a little faster. And in your room. They're infamous for being unexistinguishable for a reason, y'know.

      EDIT: Just for Goldney; You can compare them to the Hydra. The many-headed greek monster, which shoots out more heads when you cut one off.
      Last edited by TweaK; 04-02-2009 at 09:20 AM.

    8. #33
      Haha. Hehe. Achievements:
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      I... cannot... STAND... the "squeaky-clean" sound that something recently washed makes. Like if you run a finger along a newly washed plate, or pinch some wet hair in between your fingers and run them along the strand...

      Oh GOD, even thinking about these things, I can HEAR that sound in my head, and I get some intense "hebejeebies."

    9. #34
      The 'stache TweaK's Avatar
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      Haha. I can't stand the sound of styrofoam being handled in general. The squeaky sound it makes. Uuuugh, shivers. Also, balloons. When balloons make squeaky sounds because people run their hands over it, I get the shivers.

      And what I also can't stand at all is newly bought drinking/soda glasses. When they're not "smooth" yet, I really can't describe it... but it's the worst feeling ever.

    10. #35
      Emotionally unsatisfied. Sandform's Avatar
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      I don't mind squeaky sounds, what I don't like is the sound of cardboard touching stuff. Dryness hurts.

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