I found this website called Sharenator.
Basically is a website where you share pictures, videos, flash, games... all that stuff.

I cant really think how to explain it. If you find something interesting, cool or funny, then you can post it and share it with others. Earn points when you post, and when others like your post!

You can vote, comment and reply to other posts. Its really easy to use. Its a fair system aswell. The site owners/admins dont even plaster Admin or anything over their name. They contribute like anyone else.

There is no overload of adverts, just simply one at the top and side.
Also, you can make an Google AdSense (or AdWords, not sure) account and give sharenator your ID. Then, if anyone clicks the advert on one of YOUR posts, YOU get the revenue!
Its a great site for boredom. Come and check it out at www.sharenator.com
You can even show off your userbar in forums, to showoff to everyone what an awesome site you visit, and what rank you are. See, heres mine:

Hope you like it,