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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      Victoria B.C. Canada

      This pisses me off

      Ok, so i am going to rant a little here.

      Every month i get letters from my mother telling me she has been clean and sober for x amount of days or months, the next letter is the same thing but sometimes less days meaning she went back to her booze, and her needles. She has aids from needle sharing, and her face according to my sister (who is heading down that road) tells me her face is wrecked with all kinds of shit all over it. Anyway she keeps sending me these letters, and she knows i want nothing to do with her anymore. I'm tired of it, i have given her SO SO SO SO MANY chances in the past, but i am done with it....she keeps bugging her friends to pass me messages and phone number to call her. She had a roomate of hers talk to my dad (live with him..rent free so why not) for a long time, and she kept trying to get him to agree to meet me in a small room to talk. She even admitted that my mother should NOT be a mother because how she is like. I've had a BRUTAL childhood, it's not even funny how bad it was....but i turned out alright i suppose, minus her dropping me down a flight of stairs as a small baby when she was drunk and i think caused me to be as dumb as i am today (i am the only dumb one in the family, everyone else is very smart even before my grandpa).

      I AM FUCKIN 25 YEARS OLD, I AM NOT A FUCKIN KID ANYMORE! STOP TREATING ME LIKE I AM A SMALL FUCKIN KID! if i don't want to see your stupid ass then i have every right to not see your stupid ass. I am seriously getting sick and tired of this, she refuses to take no for an answer, she will keep on hounding me untill i finally give in, and i will never give in. She even said she is not going to give up, she is going to keep trying and trying even though she knows i want no part of her. I seriously HATE my mom....

      When my sister lived with her she locked all the cupboards and made her starve untill she was ready to make something, i seriously think my sister is as fucked up as she is today because of her expierience with my mom. I've had the same expieriences, but not everyone is the same, some can take it some can't.
      Last edited by LucidFlanders; 04-10-2010 at 12:23 AM.

    2. #2
      Extreme Procrastinator Paraknight's Avatar
      Join Date
      Apr 2010
      Ever consider legal action? I'm not too familiar with Canadian law, but could you try to get a restraining order or something on her?

    3. #3
      A Natural The Invisible Man's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2008
      I think this should be moved to Help.

      Can you see me now?

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Apr 2007
      Victoria B.C. Canada
      Not asking for help, i just needed to rant somewhere.


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