I got some lucid dreams last night. Woo hoo!

What I did was take 200mg L-tryptophan. I also took 1/2 teaspoon of magnesium in the form of epsom salt.

I finished eating dinner at 8.30pm, then at 9.20pm I took the supplements. At 11.00pm I turned off my lights and went to bed (I slowed down my night schedule to half speed).

Normally I take a long time to fall asleep, but this time it was lights out pretty quickly. At 4.00am I awoke and couldn't remember any dreams. I had to go to the toilet so I went to the potty without turning on the lights so I didn't disturb any melatonin production that may have been going on. When I went to sleep again I had lucid dreams! I thought they were very lifelike when I was dreaming, but when I woke up I realized they weren't quite so lifelike afterall. On my last part of lucidity, I leapt into a pool and could feel most of the sensations of being in water. That woke me up though.

I need to decide what to do in my LDs for next time. I was wondering 'Gee, what am I going to do?'. I also need to remember my RC so I can get lucid sooner.

I think I'll try the same thing again tonight. If anyone wants to take L-tryptophan, avoid taking it with protein because that competes with the supplement. Turkey, milk, and whatever probably don't work very well. Also take it on an emtpy stomach, at least 3/4 of an hour after eating. I have a very dark room as well. Maybe that helps too.