Hey. Haven't been here in a while. Between writing and socializing, I don't get much time on the net. I just wanted to drop in to give you guys a little tip.

Lately, before bed I will have a cup of tea made from Amanita Muscaria mushrooms. I take .25 to .5 of a gram of the mushroom, grind it up in a coffee grinder and steep it in sub boiling water (about 190 degrees, just before it bubbles). The taste isn't good or bad. It tastes like chicken broth without any salt in it. I drink that and then go read a book (working on Anna Karenina by Tolstoy right now) 'till I fall asleep.

Since I started indulging in this brew, I have been having at least one lucid dream a night, coupled with many other VERY vivid and absurd dreams. Last night I was in a pet store with some animals I doubt even exist, although I wish they did.

At higher doses (at least 3-4 grams), Amanita Muscaria is a very dissociative/psychadelic mushroom. However, I don't drink enough to have any effects in my waking life, and I wouldn't recommend it either. Anyone who has tripped on Amanita Muscaria will tell you that its a very intense and almost scary experience.

This is only for the experienced dreamer though. The dreams are very vivid, and they make Calea seem like a light dose of B6. I'd liken it to a coherent Salvia trip in the dreamworld.

Amanita Muscaria is one of the few still legal magic mushrooms and they are easily avaiable on the net. I bought a 28 gram bag for 19 dollars and that will last me months.

I'd be interested to see what some of you think, and what experiences you might have as well. These mushrooms also go by the name Fly Agraric, although I think that might be a different strain of mushroom.

Happy dreaming.