This morning I had my first lucid where I had some control in it and it blew my mind! I had my first lucid dream last February and was able to fly, but up until this morning I wasn't able to fly again. I've had about 20 lucids in the past couple months and I really wanted to concentrate on stabilizing the dream and making it last so I never really tried too hard to control things and when I did nothing would happen.

In my dream, I realized I was dreaming and then woke up and RC'd and found that I was still dreaming. After a couple false awakenings I finally was able to leave my room lol. I opened my door and there was a shadowy figure standing there. I pushed him out of the way and left my house. I saw my hot neighbor outside and had to resist having sex with her because I wanted the dream to last lol.

I decided to really try flying again. I know people say you must believe something to happen for it to actually happen and this is unbelievably true. I always had that mental block telling me I can't do something illogical. I jumped and tried to fly only to float back down. I tried flying forward and really tried to will myself to fly and I finally did and I was able to fly really freaking fast until I flew into a tree lol. By the end of the dream I could fly at any height I wanted.

I also tried telekinesis and was able to pick up a table that was blocking a door and move it away with my mind on my first try. I found a car and felt like picking it up, but couldn't at first, but then really believe I could do it and I did it.

This was my second most vivid dream, but definitely the most fun one. I wanna try summoning in my next one. For all of you that have trouble with dream control I cannot emphasize it enough that you have practice believing and tricking your subconscious mind into letting you do things you normally can't. Once you get it down it will be easier and easier to believe you can do different things. If you are trying to fly, it might be easier to fly forward and not too high above the ground and work your way up.