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    1. #1
      Duality TheUnknown's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2004
      A tree house

      Very successful WBTB and WILD, then disturbing LD

      Hey, i had great sucess this morning.. about 4 LDs, and 6-7 non-LDs over the course of two hours.

      First, how i set it up. Wasn't intentional actually.. I went to sleep at 3am, then i woke up at 12pm, with a REALLY bad headache. I took a shower, then I ate some chocolate. Was gonna go on the computer.. but my sister was on, so i went over to the couch, and sat there for awile. Then i layed down, time now is about 1pm. Well, I soon started to WILD, and sure enough, i slipped into a dream.. to light, didn't let it develop enough, so i slipped out.

      Well, later on I learned to let them develop a bit more because i tried to control them. One WILD, i just kept letting it generate for a mad long time.. and didn't even notice I was in one, opened my eyes, and boom.. was in one. I had a couple dreams. Two of them were in places I have dreamed before, and one was COMPLETLEY recurring with some new twists. The first one was in my old pool. I dreamt about me and my dad swimmin in it, and some dude with a tiger lets the tiger go in. So we both swim out, i almost didn't make it, but i did. The next dream I had, i remembered a bit more of. Me and my dad, again, were working in an old barn, where i had been before in about 5-6 dreams.. its one of those places i revisit time to time and is like a mixup of a few real-life places. I basically just hand him stuff, because he's standing on a scaffold.. Its pretty boring, i know.

      Now.. the recurring one, is not boring. It bothers me and even though this isn't dream interpretation forums, if anyone has input.. i'd like to hear it.

      I am in the auditorium of a school, its a bit like my high school with a little twists in layout. We are at an assembly, and I know this assembly is to brainwash us.. the year before it happened (just happened to be in another dream). I was ready. These people at this presentation were some form of aliens, they looked like humans though, and had about 1/3rd of the school follow them in like a cult. They pass out propaganda which i refuse to read a word of. Then they start talking about some new type of spacesuit, which the cult people take their cloaks off and we now see them all in silvery white. I am the only non cult sitting in there last row, which pissed them off a bit.

      The girl next to me, is a real life person, she is one of the smartest in my school, but she is in this cult. I ask her, "you do know these people are aliens, brainwashing you." I was a bit shocked at the response when she said yeah, she knew, but she didn't care. I made sure to sit on the outside of the row, so I could get out. Had to watch what I said also, the presentation people (the aliens), they patrolled up and down the rows. Now.. they wheel out an odd type of television, it has a red light on it and we are supposed to watch it. I again close my eyes, and try to block it all out, this happened before. Next thing you know they start putting out this high pitched noise and LOTS of red light to finish the processs, at this.. i plug my ears and head for the door. The try to stop me, but i throw them out of the way, I get to the door of the auditorium, and rip the tracker they placed on my belt off.. Then i run through ths school hallways which are fortunatly crowded.

      I get to the parking lot... One other real-life dude from my school escaped, his name is steve. Then i was a little suprised, another guy walked up to us.. it was neil, who i do not talk to much anymore, but i credit him with telling me about the aliens in the last dream, when i almost got caught. Oddly enough, he didn't go to the school in the dream, even though in real life, he goes to my school. He's like, "joe, check this out". He passes me over this ultra-thin samsung thing, it was either an advanced calc, or a specialized phone... perhaps, now that i think about it.. it could be the alien's communication.. so i fiddle with it a bit, and don't really understand it.. i pass it back, and the dream ends.

      I'd really love to hear what people have to say on the last dream. Its.... strange. I woke up at 3pm after that last one. Headache is finally starting to leave.. good old advil.

    2. #2
      Member BlueStrawberrys's Avatar
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      Mar 2005
      Hmm.. thats a strange dream, you said it was recurring? Thats cool that you had a lot of LDs though, i had my first sucsesful WILD today that makes me happy!

    3. #3
      Duality TheUnknown's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2004
      A tree house
      awesome dude.. good job, keep it up.

      As for it being recurring.. i just had ANOTHER dream today that was in the same school and place.. but instead I was going to be in a play or something, and i had to meet up with the cast which was down the street. Didn't have much of a plot.. but very strange that I was back there again.

    4. #4
      Duality TheUnknown's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2004
      A tree house
      It gets weirder.. much weirder. This was a dream of the future.

      Now, its like a week later. Today i was in school, in the thetre (where i had the dreamscape), and IT WAS AN ASSEMBLY. Well, i sat in the front this time.. but i found it strange the setup was EXACTLY the same, and in the place of propaganda, there was college information. Stranger enough.. the area where the cult was, and where I sat last time in the dream, was the only place vacant today.. a bag was in my seat, other then that.. nothing.

      It was creepy.


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