Now, only the first little part was lucid, but I'm putting up the whole dream because it's... interesting.

I turned over at 2:40 to fall asleep.

I was in a hotel, in my swimsuit, already wet, for some reason. The strangeness of being wet is what made me realize I was dreaming. Decided right away this was going to be an orgy dream, because why not - I've flown and bounced into outer space and breathed under water - and I'm over 18? I smiled over my shoulder at three men in a hottub in the hall. (I don't know why it was in the hall.) I tried to lure them to follow me into the empty (and apparently cleaner) hot tub by the pool, but they weren't having any.

[These men are some guys I do collaborative writing with.]

I decided it would be weird to use my vast dreaming powers to try to 'force' these men into the other hot tub with me, so I moved on without them. They were talking about writing anyway...

So into the pool I went, and spotted a couple I didn't know who looked good. Lord help me if I ever meet them in reality. They were hot, anyway, so I approached them and started talking and started using my vast dreaming powers for my own dark evil purposes.

Except just about when it's starting to get interesting, I get what feels like a cramp in my leg. I don't think it was, because my leg feels fine now, but probably was my conscience refusing to allow me to have hot sex without my husband.

Of course, then the pain got worse, and I squeezed my eyes shut. I got a weird taste in my mouth - it was that yucky banana taste of the numbing agent dentists use. I told myself to wake up, wake up. I did *not* want to have a dream about the dentist.

I opened my eyes and I was in a bar (I had lost control of the dream - no longer knew I was dreaming). I was in a special chair, and my leg that had hurt was up an in a cast. Sitting around the bar were guys my husband and I used to hang out with in high school, at the bar was Ted Danson. (No, the bar was not Cheers.) Around the room were people from Murphy Brown and Frazier and possibly another show I can't place. I asked what I was doing there - and I was Murphy Brown, apparently, because it was her voice, anyway. I was told I had a little accident skiing - laugh track and all. Then the credits were rolling over the rest of the people in the bar, with the theme song going - only it was a while new theme song. I wish I could remember it, but I can't, only that it ended in "jaded" and I was somewhere else explaining to two of the people from the bar that I'd always thought that lyric was "faded" and how messed up was that?

And then there was a rainy three lane highway full of potholes, for a moment, with the music still going.

And then I was observing (in a 3D, sitting right there sort of way) a train with open sides, and a character from my favorite books (Fiona, also my daughter's name) was 'driving' it and a character from collaborative writing I'm involved in was in one of the cars (only he was an old chinese man instead of a dashing diplomat), and they were visiting some place a warrior had taken someone who was in danger. Only when they got there, the the place had aged hundreds of years and the railway was rotten and started collapsing underneath the train. Conner told Fiona (who he was calling 'CatWoman') to 'keep driving' and using a bunch of mah-jong tiles he cast a spell as they were falling, saying "Take me to Vialle before Andre."

Now, Vialle is another character in this collaborative writing I do, and she's blind and very kind. I have no idea who Andre is. So "I" was another character in this story, a Native American doctor named Hannah.

I was walking into a house to visit Vialle. It was the house I (me, not Hannah) grew up in, only all halloweened out. So me-Hannah walked in and Vialle was there, only she was dressed all wrong and had blood red eyes. There were ladybugs everywhere and me-Hannah was trying very hard not to step on any of them, of course. Vialle was trying to talk to me but the ladybugs were freaking me out. (She could see, btw). She apologized for the ladybugs. me-Hannah was very polite and said, "I understand that you need them," and then one was on my leg under my skirt. me-Hannah went outside to try to get the ladybugs out of her hair and off her skirt and leg, and the one on my leg latched on and started sucking blood.

And I realized why Hannah was freaked out by all the ladybugs - Vialle was using them as tiny blood sacrifices and they were becoming vampire-ladybugs from eating each other's dead flesh, or something.

I couldn't kill the one on my leg because it's death would call all the others out there for it's blood!

This finally freaked me out enough to wake me up. I woke up at 3:10.

Now, just this morning I picked up a dream analysis book in the free book room. My analysis at this time is that I should not take afternoon naps. We will see what my analysis is later, if I'm feeling good enough to try to pick it apart.

Yes, btw, this is typical of the 'amount' of dreaming I do in this amount of time, although I don't usually remember it this vividly. The ladybugs are still creeping me out.