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    1. #1
      Member latency's Avatar
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      Through the looking glass (again)

      Had another LD last night after a dry spot for a few weeks.

      It was going to be short lived from the start, becuase I became lucid after nearly waking up from my regular dream.

      It was an odd experiance becuase although I was fighting all the way through not to wake up, my control was more absolute than I have ever experianced.

      So much that as soon as my vision 'detached' from the dream and I felt my waking eyes, I was like 'no... I think I'll stay here' and my vision locked right back onto the dream.

      So anyway, I was in my dad's bedroom, my control was enough so I didn't need to RC, so I proceeded with the second part of my mirror experements.

      I summoned a mirror, and my sister's floor-standing mirror came. I looked into it, but unlike my first experement, I saw only my reflection and nothing else. I was as normal, that is, my sleeping self with messed up hair and a tired look, but I did notice I wore some kind of red tunic, with a black stich pattern on it.
      I'm not sure where this tunic came from, I have not seen it before, but I was playing Final Fantasy 11 the previous evening, so I'll put this down to RL interferance.

      So having not seen anything interesting in the mirror, I stepped into it.

      I found the glass to be resistant, and when I pushed against it it folded back around me like cling-film.
      At this point my vision blacked out compleatly when I nearly woke up again.
      I regained control and found myself in a new place. There were several dream characters with me, I think one of them may have been my other sister, but I did not pay enough attention to remember them.

      The land scape was a very generic pine forest, I was in a narrow clearing that went into the distance. The trees stopped in a straight line on each side of this 'corridor', and in the middle a stream flowed through. The stream was about seven or eight feet wide and fairly shallow. There was also a simple ornamental wooden bridge near to me crossing the stream.

      However, the most significant part of all of this, everything, absolutly everything was covered in frost.
      The ground was untouched frost with no path or foot prints, the trees were covered with frost, the bridge was frosted up. The stream was frozen solid.
      This frost was not natural ground frost or snow either, it was the same kind of frost you see in a freezer, artificial, generic, symmertical.
      The entire world through the mirror was frozen and stiff with frost.

      I do remember that I did not feel cold, dispite the surroundings, but I didn't notice at the time, so the temperature was not significant.

      I do not remember anything else about the dream, I think my mind moved on or I woke up at this point...

      Any thoughts on this?

    2. #2
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
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      Oct 2003
      That is quite interesting, thanks for sharing this!

      Mirrors are quite interesting tools for self exploration or for entertainment.

      I agree with you, since the frost had such an impact on you within your lucid dream, I feel there IS something significant about it.

      You spoke of it mainly from a visual perspective, you said you didn't really notice the temperature.

      The thing that stands out in my mind is you mentioned that the frost was pristine, there were no foot prints or any other sign to indicate that anyone or anything had tampered with the landscape.

      What this says to me is that you have found an avenue to explore. Perhaps there are concepts you have never considered that are waiting for you. If you get the chance, go back through the mirror and seek out this landscape once more. I am sure something interesting is waiting for you.

      Such an interesting dream! I wish I had been there to see it!
      you must be the change you wish to see in the world...

    3. #3
      Member latency's Avatar
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      It pains me that I forgot to call my self-conscience, which is another experement I've been gagging to try, maybe he or she could've shed light on this.

      Last time I saw The Mirror though, my reflection held an infant, which Leo percived to be my spiritual self in need of nurturing.

      I don't find this hard to belive at all, this forest is evedently linked. I think you're right when you say the un-touched frost shows I have never beent here before.

      When I'm trying to interpret my dreams I first try to think of real life influances to see if what happened holds significance or if it's just a repeat of something I have seen in real life.

      Two possible referances for this forest are:

      The Latern Waste in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (book 3, The Chronicles or Narnia, the forest at the start with the lamp post).

      The level 'Snowy Park' in Medal of Honour.

      Both of which are mostly associated with night, and as I remember, the forest was at night, with a bright moon that illuminated the frost.
      However, I've not played MoH or read The Chronicles of Narnia for at least a year. I don't think they would suface that easily....

      I only hope that if I walk through The Mirror again, I'll go to the same place...

    4. #4
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      Feb 2004
      You know what is crazy? When I first read the post and I got to the part about the forest I was like "I bet he was thinking of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, I wonder if he ever read it before". To be truthful I forgot almost the entire book but when I read that part it came back clearly to me. I havn't read it in like 10 years and only once. Then you posted a reply bringing it up!

      I am sure you heard they are comming out with a new version of the movie. So I would go with the obvious connection.

    5. #5
      Member latency's Avatar
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      I've been thinking about this all day... I had heard of the movie, but I've thought of two reasons against these two possible inspirations:

      Narnia: When reading books, espicially ones as good as The Chronicles of Narnia, I easily visulize the scene. There is no stream in the Lantern Waste, and the forest I saw bears no resemblance other than the fact it's a frosty forest.

      Medal of Honour: The level I refered to has a frozen stream and bridges, but I know that level well, and again, the forest in my dream bears no resemblance.

      I'm confidant that if there was difinate inspiration, there would be a closer match.

      I think I'm trying desperatly to get rid of these possible inspirations, becuase I'll be sorely dissappointed if such a siginificant dream originated from something so trivial...

      Needless to say... I think I'll keep looking. I'm off to bed now, let's see if I'm lucky enough to get two lucids in one week.

      Think mirrors and self-conscience.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Feb 2004
      Yea but you "thought" about it. If you saw an ice cube and it made you think about the book, then an ice cube would be a valid symbol for the book in the dream. Dreams do use a lot of symbols after all, its rare that things are exact.

      I personally think that when dreams have meanings, they are obvious to the person dreaming it. So the first things you think of is normally right. It might seem trivial but what do you expect? You can have 3000 dreams per year, 30000 over you life time. They can't all reveal the meaning of life. Besides you said it was a good book, that is not as trivial as half my dreams heh.


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