Sorry, just had to modify another thread title hehe.

I finally had my very first WILD two nights ago! Covet me LOL! And thanks for all your help, those that put up with my many (well... three) WILD threads in the Attaining Lucidity forum hehe.

It was pretty intense, and very vivid compared to regular dreams (including lucid non-WILD dreams). It looks like there were three sets of vibrations. I bet the first two failed, and the third succeeded, but then, they were all different in nature. The first set was the usual one... just kinda there, pretty intense, but with no audio, just the vibration feeling... same with the second set, but much stronger vibrations... and finally, the third one came on much lighter at first, but progressively got much more intense... until I started hearing audio (which also started out quetly and got loud much more smoothly). It kinda sounded like a modem handshake, which was nice and comforting (I was worried it might sound like the loud honr things the aliens use in War of the Worlds or something freaky like that hehe, but I guess it can be anything).

As an interesting sidenote, there was a thunderstorm going on outside as I was doing this, and as the audio got louder, I could hear the thunder sounds get fainter and fainter, which is pretty cool, since I could observe my senses being severed from the world.

The other interesting thing is that I got virtually no sleep the night before (I attempted this late in the morning, maybe at 8am or so). Looks like your body keeps track of where your sleep cycles should be regardless of how miserably you sleep (there was a mosquito in the room, and I was on a rather unpleasant matress for most of the night, so I just kinda laid there and relaxed).

Anyway, after the vibrations were over, there was a dream fragment where I was flying, chasing a yellow schoolbus or something like that... Then, once I gained control of the dream officially, turns out I was sitting at a laptop, while looking at this chase thing.

My eyes also felt really groggy for a second (you know when you get up in the morning and you're having trouble keeping them open cause they're glazed over)... so I blinked a whole bunch... but interestingly, it didn't weaken the dream vividness or anything, but maybe because the grogginess made me shake my head a lot.

Looking around, everyone looked like a weird computer generated figure, until everything cleared out and I was in a lifelike environment. I walked around, talked to a few DC's, and ended up waking up. Dream-spinning didn't work all that well that time around heh. Still, it was a pretty awesome experience, and I really want to make sure I repeat it. Having had both flavours of LD's, I really do think it's highly worth learning. Ok, I'll shut up now hehe.