Hi. I just recently have been viewing the site, because LDing interested me. Anyway, On to my experiance...

I fell asleep two nights ago, and I became aware that I was dreaming. I conjoured up a few things such as people and items for awhile. Then I began to grow tired, so I fell asleep in my dream... Which seems impossible to me now, but at that time it seemed OK. Well, when I woke up, I was still in my dream. I'm beginning to get freaked out, because I thought i'd have woken up by now. I don't know why now, but I began running. I must have ran three kilo's by the time I stopped, and I wasn't tired. Now the grounds breaks apart under me. I am falling, and there are rocks beneath me. Very sharp rocks. I aim for them, hoping I will either hover or wake up from excitement. But no. I keep falling, and I land on the rock, the tip going through my stomach. I feel relieved that i'll be waking up, but I didn't. Soon after, I realize that I was numb before and I become aware of the pain going through me. I try to float off it, but it won't happen. I finally wake up maybe an hour later.

The whole reason I post this topic is to find out why this happened, and what I can do to prevent it in the future. I am scared to go to sleep now.