Hi everyone just had my first lucid experience last night and i had to share it!
Everyone is welcome to post their lucid experiences as i would be interested to know theirs (:

Anyway, for my first lucid experience i was playing tennis with my mate when suddenly i remembered just the word lucid, i decided to try a reality check to see if i were infact in a dream, so i pinched my nose and tried to breathe through it and wullah! I became lucid! I cannot describe the europhia that surged through my body at that point, but i didnt wake luckily, which i hear many people do when they gain lucidity for the first time. So when i realised i was dreaming, i ran out side and jumped, much to my dismay i fell on to the ground and look like a complete muppet infront of my friend, i got up, had a run up, jumped in the air and i was flying! It was awesome! i flew around the tennis centre for a while then landed by a treehouse, i closed my eyes and said "when i open my eyes, Jamie (a babe) will appear, and sure enough it worked! We went inside the treehouse and made out for a long time (; but then a truck with a flamethrower came and started burning down the treehouse, i smashed the roof open and flew away (fuck yeeeah lol).

That concludes my first lucid experience, i realised that i didnt seem to be in full control, for example the flamethrower burning the treehouse down? Also i have heard people say that 'real' lucid dreams are extremly vivid e.g. you can feel the ground on your feet? Love to hear your feedback and your own lucid experiences!