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    1. #1
      Member SantaDreamsToo's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2005
      living on the pedal of of a flower high up on the top of a mountain reffered to as Mt hamerez mars.

      Finally another WILD

      Yes that’s right iv finally had another WILD after waiting for a few weeks

      Here’s how it went (note: its mostly about sex stuff):

      ~~~ it started i was in my parents old backyard, it was nice and daylight at the time so i decided to try my hand at flying, I jumped up and started "flapping" my wings and finally realizing that there was no gravity thus i could do anything that i wanted, also my older brother was in the yard with me saying that he was glad i finally learned how to fly and he asked me to fly forward really fast, but i was still having trouble staying in the air so I continued flapping my arms and went forward, i fell a good 20 foot in doing this but gained allot of speed and then hit a tree ( ) (this didn’t really surprise me since I wasn’t flying very well the entire time) when I hit the tree I managed to hit feet first and to stop myself as much as was possible so as not to fly into a lake that was directly behind the tree, this didn’t really work well and I flew about 15ft in, this was a bad thing considering that I don’t really love water and it was a dream and anything could have happened if i accidentally thought it, so i jumped out of the water (still don’t understand how) and began flapping my arms away until i was high over the lake and on the shore. when i reached the shore i noticed that both my brothers were there, they were both allot younger than they are now and were playing in the lake. i amazingly had retained complete lucidity up to this point and i instantly summoned one of my old girlfriends that i haven’t seen in awhile. for some reason she was like a stage prop and wouldn’t move, this didn’t make her much fun so i tried changing the dream scene, and to my amazement it worked i had changed it to a beach with some effort, but then i lost that dream and awoke into a false awakening.
      ~~~I was in some hotel bed that was much like my own when i awoke, i had unfortunately lost my lucidity at that time and so i walked into the hotel, i noticed that there was an amazingly hot girl walking in and then that reminded me of my past dream and i reality checked and realized it was a dream, so i walked outside and realized that i was at my grandmothers old lawn and so i decided to fly to my old school since it wasn’t far away. the dream scene then went black and i went into another dream this time fully lucid.
      ~~~I was at my old high school, i noticed that there was for some reason many children running about and that there was a giant play set in the middle of the school lunch yard, so i jumped up and began to flap and lifted off into the air. I flew over the huge play set and made a sweep over it with my eyes because i was looking for yet another girl and hadn’t found her yet, then i began to call her name, I called it many times and looked all around for her, then i heard her from behind me say my name, she was wondering why that she had just appeared there and why was she sitting on a little boy () i then looked under her and she was on top of what looked like a 5 year old boy, i laughed a little and then told her that i wanted to sex her up but she didn’t want me for some reason, so i decided to use my dream powers to make her want me (I kinda like this girl and i work with her and didn’t want to just force myself onto her) she slowly began to care less so i walked up to her and started making out and then did some other things with her, but before we could accomplish anything she said that she was taken and didn’t like me like that and she also asked if i was dreaming too which startled me at first but then i just said no and she started walking away, i then saw my chance leaving and i walked up to her and asked if i could do one thing but she said no so i decided to impress her by throwing a car around so i walked up to a car that was nearby and started picking it up and beating it on the ground, then another random DC walked up and grabbed the car next to me and started doing the same and i awoke lol
      ~I wake up a little more every time I dream.


    2. #2
      Member jay dawg's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2005
      HOLY CRAAAAP!!!!!! THATS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg i wanna LD SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      dude that thing with the cars at the end really set me off! that is amazing i cant believe it!

      wow so when she asked if you were dreaming too you kinda thought maybe it was dream sharing in your mind for a second? but it wasnt right. wow thats so amazing how even though you wanted her, your mind played it out so you couldnt have her....thats weird!

      so you were pretty much wide awake in your mind and fully thinking of everything happening and knowing it was a dream? wow im so gonna complete a wild soon.

      p.s. could you perhaps desribe the wild from the beginning so i can better my attempts? how did you feel and what happened. thanks and congrats on the LD!!!!!!
      420/24/7/365 herb?

      <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mayhembrown)</div>
      i tried to fly but cudnt, so i went outside in the garden but still cudnt.. i then thought lets go and find a girl!

    3. #3
      Member SantaDreamsToo's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2005
      living on the pedal of of a flower high up on the top of a mountain reffered to as Mt hamerez mars.
      well this LD was brought on by going an entire night without sleep then sleeping for 6 hrs and WILDing (this has never failed to give me a WILD and I only do it when I really need one) anyway this also has a bad effect on recall unless you do what I do and set your alarm for about 3 hrs after attempting to WILD so you wake before you lose all your memories.

      anyway after I wrote the beginning post of this I had yet another WILD (same night ) here’s how this one went:

      I went to bed and WILDed (I almost quit about 5 times but pulled through and kept it up) and thank God that i kept it up because i had a nice LD from it, it started that I had quit WILD because of that surge of energy you get when you successfully WILD, this made me think that there was no way for me to WILD so i got out of bed, but before i did i did a reality check because something wasn’t right and of course this told me that i was in a dream. the first thing i did was start to black out but seeing this i grabbed my nose and started breathing and closed my eyes, this made me regain control and so i kept my nose close and breathing for the rest of the dream (with a third hand or something weird like that, i ran outside as fast as i could to find that i was once again in my parents backyard, I remembered that there was a gas station in one direction and it was also dark so i jumped forward and up a few times till i had speed then i started flapping I flew over to the station which wasn’t far and thought of another thing that i had been wanting to do, ride in a car at high speeds, so i looked around and saw a Ferrari and ran toward it but some DC got in and took off before I could get in, so i looked for another good car or motorcycle but there was just a bunch of family sized minivans i did come across a four-wheeler though so i got on knowing the end was near and started it up steadily knowing that when i did it would start, and yes it started but it was stuck in a low gear and since there was 60 gears on it , it would take forever to get to a high gear, i switched the gear once and awoke into a F/A but I didn’t catch it and went to DV and typed out this dream and awoke

      about remembering the begging of the first one, I actually cant.... i slept too long and lost the memory, I might would have remembered it last night but i slept another 5 hrs after that
      ~I wake up a little more every time I dream.


    4. #4
      Member jay dawg's Avatar
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      Jun 2005
      dang another LD! thats cool man. i tried wild lastnight but for some odd reason i kept getting annoyed and like would suddonly itch in a diff spot each time i almost moved forward. i knew it was prolly my body just testing me. so i didnt scratch anymore and wild started a little bit but not like the other day.

      i got kinda pissed and just went to sleep. its wierd cuz sometimes ill be trying a wild then fall asleep then suddonly be half awake during it at somepoint. but when i noticed this i didnt feel like staying consciouse cuz i was so tired dangit! i did have a few dreams i remembered and even posted one in DJ. the other was kinda sick and perverted so i didnt post it. i woke up thinking "why did i just dream something that fucked up? "

      so i woke up after 5 hours stayed up an hour then tried wild but i didnt wanna turn on my pc and get that mp3 going to prime my mind (like i did before past 2 days which GREATLY helped) cuz i didnt want my family to hear me awake. i knew it wasnt gonna work and well it didnt. so i fell asleep and had a niiice long vivid non LD, i was controlling my actions though. but then my dang alarm woke me up

      420/24/7/365 herb?

      <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mayhembrown)</div>
      i tried to fly but cudnt, so i went outside in the garden but still cudnt.. i then thought lets go and find a girl!


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