• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2005

      Strange ways entering my dream

      Today morning I decided to try and get some lucids going through WBTB of sorts. I took a B6 vitamin and I went back to bed in a bit. After a while, my body started going numb and I was slipping in and out of consciousness, all the while trying to keep my fingers moving and trying to focus on the images forming.

      I haven't had lucid dreams in a long time, but this was pretty strange today. The lucid portions were only a few seconds long so I cannot remember anything more than the way in which I entered the dream. The first time, the image of a website's forum appeared ( I had been looking at dreamviews for a little bit before going back to bed ), and I focused on some poster's name - soon enough the image became clearer and I "zoomed" into this website and was lucid all the while; I told myself that I would land on a beach, and I "fell" into the dream, landing on very real sand on my back. However, I could not open my dream eyes, and when I finally tried hard enough, I woke up.

      The other few times, I was lying in bed, semi numb from trying to stay conscious after that first bout of lucidity. I imagined that I rolled my head into a more comfortable spot in my pillow, and suddenly my head sank into the pillow like quicksand. It was the most bizarre feeling in the world - like if you were lying on a bed of ice, and the ice melted allowing you to suddenly sink into the depth of water. This rolling and sinking into a dream happened a few times, and certainly was the strangest feeling I've ever felt.

      Anyhow, long story short, take your B6 for some early morning fun!

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Mar 2005
      You know, that's interesting you say that.

      One morning I went to sleep on the couch because the apartment next to my bedroom had some massive construction going on and it was impossible to sleep. While laying on the couch and drifting in and out of sleep. I felt myself start to slip off the couch but the blankets around me were kinda of holding me in place, but slowly letting me down to the carpet. This kinda freaked me out and I woke up and verified that I was still on the couch perfectly comfortable and in the same position that I went to sleep in. When I drifted back off to sleep I felt the same thing happening again, slipping off the couch towards the floor. I then decided to go with it. I slipped completely off the couch and fell on the floor. This whole time of course I realized that I was dreaming. So i got up off the floor and went around exploring my dreamscape in great detail. I've found WILDs to be so vivid in the morning.

    3. #3
      Member crossroad's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2005

      need help with HILD, please

      A couple days ago I read about HILD in the tutorials and last night I gave it a try. I layed in bed and went through the steps, feeling very relaxed. about 20 - 30 minutes into it I started seeing visual patterns and heard couple sounds but nothing to intense. I kept relaxed going through the steps, repeating some in different order; whatever seemed to relax me more. Usually I would fall asleep by now but HILD kept my mind busy enough to keep me conscious(I guess). About 45 minutes, maybe an hour into it, I was staring at a red rug with distinct patterns. Almost like a rug you would see at a casino. 2 -3 minutes go by and I'm still staring at it. I felt like I was still too conscious because I couldnt do anything but look straight at the floor; like I was floating above the floor. Couldnt look around, move and part of my body, nothing. I thought,"maybe its to early into sleep to enter LD", but it sure felt like it was going there. thats the last I remember. I must have fallen to sleep......????.....Has anyone used this method to become lucid, without having already slept for awhile? ....Is it possible that if I stayed conscious and patient that I could have fallen into a LD? any advice or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated
      c u at the crossroads


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