Once again, I was able to be successful at WILD this morning after waking my 7th hour of sleep. It seems all of my LD's have happened in the morning after some sleep. In addition to this pattern I'm recognizing, I find that consuming some wine before bed also helps me relax and have more intense dreams.

During one stage of my WILD, I didn't even realize that I was in the dream world. I walked toward my bedroom window and stared outside. I decided to try a reality check and placed my finger in my palm. After my finger didn't go through, I was very cautious in my behavior. I wouldn't dare attempt some of my LD activities in my waking life -- or else I'd get killed. I decided to do something more convincing -- walking through walls. I flew through the window and was exploring the dream world.

Since I knew that it was possibly an OBE, I tried looking for my wife and son in the house. (They happened to be downstairs while I slept in.) As I walked down our stairs, I somehow entered my old house from childhood. I entered my brother's old bedroom and I could hear his and my wife's voice in the distant. It sounded like my brother was learning how to change a diaper. I tried looking for them and was unable to find/see any of them.

Following that event, my memory is very sketchy. It almost seems as if something was prohibiting me from making contact with anyone. Have any of you OBE folks been able to see the events currently happening in your house?