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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Oct 2005

      My Night Terrors. You can hurt in real life. (LD related)

      I thought some people might find this helpful or interesting. Ever since I was little I couldn't fall a sleep for hours and once I did I'd have terrible nightmares. Last year I started having night terrors. I didn't know what they were at the time, but if you don't know what it is yourself, its where your body reacts to your dreams so the nightmare becomes more real. I'd wake up with my heart beating so fast that it hurt. Often I'd be completely covered in sweat. One time I had to take off my clothes because they were soaked in sweat. I'd also shake all over or cry. I'd even stop breathing or wake up taking a huge gasp for air. The dreams I had were very vivid. I wanted to share one of the worst.
      I was in a cabin type of house. I was staying with my family and my pets. It had been raining a lot and water started to flood the area. The ground got so saturated that the whole building started to slide down the hill it was on (I'm not sure why it was on a hill). A storm started to rage and the building started to brake a part. I tried desperately to get out of the broken remains but they kept sliding. The mud spread all over the floor and the building started to sink while it slid. I could barely move. I found my cats and held onto them tightly. I love my pets very dearly. I slid closer and closer to a huge cliff. I tried so hard to stop sliding. All I wanted to do was get myself and my cats away from it. It was no use though, I couldn't move anyways. I slid completely off into the air, no longer in the remains of the building. A thought flashed into my mind to hold my cats so if there was any chance of any of them surviving this horrible drop my body might take the impact, but in an instant I decided to throw them to the edge and hope they landed there. I knew it'd be no use to try to take the impact and they'd die, but at the same time I knew it was a 99.9% chance they didn't make it to the safety and probably just hit the side of the cliff. I felt terrible for killing them as I fell through the air. I loved them so much. I fell very quickly. I knew I was going to die. I cried as my heart beated almost out of my chest. All I could do was wait to hit the solid ground, and hope it wasnt as painful as I thought it was going to be. I knew the ground was right there and I'd never see my family or my cats ever again. I can't really describe the feeling at all. It was very powerful. Right before I hit the ground I closed my eyes but ended up sitting up in bed, shaking so badly I could barely move other than shake. My heart was pounding against my chest. I felt like I had been pulled very hard out of something almost like solid jell. For a very short second I thought I DID die, but I knew I was in my bed. It felt wrong to be a live still which made me even more scared. As I type about it, my body shakes all over. It really scared me like nothing I've ever experienced.
      The situation of it wouldn't happen in real life but my body was so convinced I was actually dying that it felt very real. I had other dreams like this including ones where I was drowning and stopped breathing. I think because I had so many dreams and they were so vivid I set myself up for a lucid dream on accident.
      One night I was dreaming that an abusive, vile person was my boyfriend. All I wanted to do was get away from him. I kept thinking about how I could ever have an intimate relationship with this disgusting person. Then a picture appeared in my mind, someone with a beautiful face who really cared about me. Someone who loved me and would never hurt me. I thought I was picturing an angel but I realized that it was my REAL boyfriend I saw in my mind. I realized this situation was all wrong. This horrible person wasn't my boyfriend at all, and I was dreaming. I walked away from the situation out into a open yard with a blue sky and green grass. To my right, there was a big vase (I think for plants but it was taller than me and I'm 5"1'). The vase was covered in dust completely. I rubbed away the dust and saw under it shiny blue glass. It was really pretty and in the glass I could see my reflection. I looked to the sky after that and this heavy feeling seemed to float away into that sky. I climbed up onto the fence. I stood perfectly balanced on it and decided to jump. It was right over a cliff, but I knew the cliff didn't matter. I flew into the sky and felt happy.
      Since then I've never had a night terror. I haven't even had any bad dreams I could recall. I don't remember my dreams as much any more, but I don't wake up thinking I'm going to die. I think lucid dreaming is a wonderful tool to help nightmares. I've never been able to do it again but I don't have any desire to change my dreams now. I hope this might help or inspire anyone who has unwanted dreams.

      If anyone has any opinions, I'd love to hear them. I told a friend once but I think I just creeped him out.

    2. #2
      Member Genjyo's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2005
      the other world

      Re: My Night Terrors. You can hurt in real life. (LD related

      Originally posted by barkingcats
      I thought some people might find this helpful or interesting. *Ever since I was little I couldn't fall a sleep for hours and once I did I'd have terrible nightmares. Last year I started having night terrors. I didn't know what they were at the time, but if you don't know what it is yourself, its where your body reacts to your dreams so the nightmare becomes more real. I'd wake up with my heart beating so fast that it hurt. Often I'd be completely covered in sweat. One time I had to take off my clothes because they were soaked in sweat. I'd also shake all over or cry. *I'd even stop breathing or wake up taking a huge gasp for air. The dreams I had were very vivid. I wanted to share one of the worst.
      Since then I've never had a night terror. I haven't even had any bad dreams I could recall. I don't remember my dreams as much any more, but I don't wake up thinking I'm going to die. I think lucid dreaming is a wonderful tool to help nightmares. I've never been able to do it again but I don't have any desire to change my dreams now. I hope this might help or inspire anyone who has unwanted dreams.
      Hello barkingcats! I understand night terrors are very real and can interfere with your need to rest. I'm glad LDing provided you with a solution to this problem.
      Do you seriously think that blood is the only thing in this world that is colored red?

      ~Raised by OpheliaBlue~


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