I had a scorcher of a lucid sequence the other night, I was asleep for about an hour and a half but the dream seemed to last for atleast 7 or 8 hours.The dream held continuity for the entire period even though I slipped out of lucidity a couple of times,got sucked back into the dream and then realised I was dreaming again.

The storyline of the dream was set in a kind of game/reality show a little like the Running Man and was verging on a nightmare but in a cool kind of way ,a little like watching a horror movie.I and a large group of people were being chased down by various nasties(my favorite being the security sentinals - weird little albino kids with entirely white eyes that would run after you grab hold and then explode if you didn`t get to a certain place within a certain time limit.)When lucid I tried many powers/special effects etc. some worked,some didn`t - I tried flying with some success,I lept from the top of a multistory carpark and floated gently down to the ground,I blasted and fragged enemies with energy bolts and fire,I tried to just mentally crush them and make them burst and I tried to pause time and make it go backwards and in slow motion.I also tried to teleport and to make people and various weapons. - I woke up buzzing but was a little tired all day(I went back to sleep a bit later but just slept).