Last night, I had my fourth lucid dream in under two weeks - the first time I've ever managed to LD that frequently. It feels really good, because I've finally come out of a rather long dry spell. It was also one of my longest lucids, lasting somewhere around 15 minutes, I think. Finally, I'm gaining some experience!

The first half of my dream was mostly spent trying to fly. In previous lucids, I've had litle trouble flying, and it has sometimes be completely effortless. This time, though, I couldn't escape gravity at all. I would jump up, and come back down just as fast as I would in the waking world. After finally giving up, I decided to go for a nice run down the highway, doing about 70 mph. As I got farther from the city I had been it, it began to snow. It got so bad that I couldn't see ahead of me, and had to slow down quite a bit. A snowplow drove by and showered me with snow, and the driver said it was because I was lucid and wouldn't care. I suppose he was right. I met a girl I knew from school on the highway, and lost lucidity shortly thereafter, though the dream continued. Man, was that fun! 8)