We allhave many dreams a night... anyone ever remember all of them? Or at least most. I did. I was not lucid but they were breathtaking. It was easy to tell they were different dreams and not one continuing story. But every one related to eachother. Keep in mind I'm only telling the big points. Not details.

Like the first one was me at a circus and was picked as a volunteer. I was behind a screen where people could see my sillhouette. The ringmaster guy told me to just stand on a platform. I did and started floating on it. The rest of the circus was fun. Later I dreamed I was in school and my teacher talked about how he saw me flying in the circus cause he was there. I remembered it as if it was some other day. Anywho he asked me to take care of his lizards. He had one big one and the smaller ones were like termites, they destroyed homes. I took the tank home. In the next dream I was on vacation at some other state. This lady in our hotel said to beware, some of the rooms were falling apart. I looked in some of the rooms and they all had the small lizards in them. My mom was like, "Don't you remember? We had to take the lizards on vacation with us so they wouldn't starve." The hotel lady said to take them home as soon as possible before the hotel was destroyed. So my parents stayed for vacation and I left. In the next dream I was hanging out with my girlfriend. We were watching TV and that dream was mostly the TV, then we saw the circus I was at on TV and saw me flying on the platform. She freaked out and was like "how'd that happen?!" But before I could answer a piece of a ceiling fell on me. I looked upstairs and saw a lizard got loose from the tank and was eating the house. We screamed and ran to a closet to hide. I was behind the clothes and felt a door. There were stairs behind it leading to a basement. I was like, "A basement we never knew about, cool!" We explored the basement and it was really nice but a little dim lighted. My parents came back from vacation and I showed them the new basement. They were excited but the house collapsed above us from the lizards. We were trapped and was gonna be killed by debris. The ringmaster pulled us out. He had come back to pay me for volunteering (Oxy moron I know) So he was all lucky for getting there in time. We thanked him and my mom told me to go to bed. As soon as I lay down I woke up.

I loved the dream. Anyone else have these?