I think my first experience of lucid dreaming came when i was about 13.

I was in a space ship, hiding with a group of my friends, we were hiding from grey aliens with huge multi-performance fantasy guns. At this point i wasnt lucid, aliens and outerspace are all porfectly normal things The alienss were advancing on our hiding place and i peeked out to see how close they were, quickly came back and a friend coughed...that was it they have found us, and i presented my slef to them although i was terrified, one bent down to suck out my soal. It was at this point i sudenly relised ' im dreaming! WAKE UP' and i did.

After that i decided to read up about luicd dreaming as i was keen to have a longer and less frightening experience. I have about 2 a month now, (im 17)

The lucid dream i can most clearly remember happend a bout a year ago. and it jumps around a bit, one of my 'tells' that it is a dream.

I was walking across a huge bridge with hundred of dogs, all shapes and sizes with just a single old man looking after them all. one i was over the bridge things sudence reversed, i was the other side of the bridge, looking out to where the dog man was, but not where i had started. and it was Autrailia. I think it was here i became lucid. I remember colours and smells. a kangaroo, not quite kangaroo coloured, a kinda of mustard yellow. And suendly i was on my home landing with my X. he was behind me, head near my neck whispering, i could remember these words distinctly, feel his warm brath on my nack, though i have since forgotten what it was he sed. i tryed not to exert any control over the dream as i was interested in how it would naturaly play out, but i knew he would never really say these things, maybe that was why i let it carry on.
And we were back in 'Australia' again, him too, and the kangraroo was there, with a kookaburra. both talking in some strange language, but i fancied that i could understand it, even in just a spiritual, simplistic way. And i knew i had to walk bakc over the bridge and i knew i mustent look back, but before i went i read something, a page of a book, or a manuscript that appeared in mid air. I knew that i would never again talk to him like that again, or indeed meet with the same ease. But as i walked over the bridge i felt no longing to look back, and i knew that when i awoke i would not be hung up on him any longer.

A closure?

MY most recent, though not a full lucidity, a false awakening, and the most worrying dream, or reality, i have ever had.

i awoke to my phone alarm going off, i picked up the phone and the tone stoped, and i hear voises. i held it to my head and hear my boyfriend's voice. he was being obsence. i dont even like to repeate what he was saying, i havent even told him although he has asked me to. I was half asleep in my awakening and wasnt realy 'withit' and just took his obsenities though totaly out of character, and i could hear his mates laughing. I hung up in the end. and as soon as i did i wondered if it was a dream. i even cheked the call register, no calls were recorded comming in or outgoing.

i was convinced it wasnt , though that ment facing some painfull new truths. once i was fully wake it hit me, if it was real, he would have alot to answer for. It mesed me up for a week before i could talk to him, he assured me he would never do anythign like tht. i was stil not conviced but had to give him the benifit of the doubt.

somethimes i just hate my own mind!