ok so i’m in this little town. it was a nice warm day and i was walking down the main street of the town. off to my left is a green hill with nice two story houses scattered all over it. to my right is the more commercial part of town. i keep walking, making friends and what-not. then i come to this open market square. i find a vendor that’s selling incense. i decide to buy some. i’m browsing through all the colors when these kids come by. there’s one kid in particular that catches my attention. he’s about my size but he has messy blonde hair. he grabs some incense and he gets in some sort of argument with the shop owner. then the store owner forcefully opens the kids eye with his fingers and takes a long look at him. he then says, “you’re high!” the kid starts to freak out and starts running. since this kid caught my attention i follow him out of the market and down some streets. the roads turn to dirt instead of cobblestone. two people come riding up on horses and they ask me if i’ve seen a kid running. i tell them yes and i ask them why. it turns out that they are the kid’s parents. they have an extra horse with them so i ask if i can get on and follow because i was interested in how this was going to turn out. they refuse and start riding down the dirt road towards their kid. i start running after them but they keep about 20 yards ahead of me, no matter how fast i run. there’s a blue chevy truck coming right at me. i have to run off the road and into the woods to avoid being hit by it. i look up and see that the parents are riding in the woods too. and now i can see the kid again, the parents have almost caught him. this is where i become lucid. i can’t explain why, i just realize it. i’m watching the kid in 3rd person, but because of the thick woods the kid can’t see a cliff that’s coming up. he runs off the edge. his parents stop their horses and watch their kid fall. i’m following the kid. he falls for what seems like forever, i can’t control where the ground is so he just keeps falling and falling. it starts to get boring so i start wiggling my toes in real life, just to do it. right when i do this he hits a tree line. he crashes through the tree tops. now he’s falling into a giant forest… he’d already crashed through the trees but he’s still falling, these trees had to have been a mile tall. then he hit the ground. he bounced a little then just laid there for a long time. i wake myself up because i’m not lucid enough to teleport myself out of that forest.

all this while under the influence of green death (aka nyquil)