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    Thread: My Lucids.

    1. #1
      Member Axis's Avatar
      Join Date
      Apr 2006
      Adelaide, South Australia.

      My Lucids.

      For as long as I can remember I could remember my dreams, very well as I have now found. These few months have opened doors in my psyche that I never thought possible. The sheer amount of freedom that you can conjure in a dream is mind-blowing.

      A few months ago I was getting ready to go to sleep, having had a very long day I was tired. Not more than a few minutes in my bed and I had fallen asleep, that night I had my first Lucid dream, consisting of me walking through a forest darkened by the canopy of the trees. I knew this was Lucid because I was well aware that I was still in bed at the time, I could almost feel myself lying down. Having walked for a few minutes I awoke quite violently, jerking my arm.

      A few weeks passed and another Lucid dream occurred, this time I was walking down "Rundle Mall" a pedestrian street in Adelaide city. I was walking down the mall, looking at the people as they passed me. I had the feeling that I was in a dream but not sure. A few days before I had read an article on Lucid Dreaming, telling me all about "Testing yourself" as to see if you were dreaming. Remembering this I started to look for something out of the ordinary and did I find it! A couple was walking casually down the mall, both wearing WW1 style gas masks, it may be me but I find this a little strange. A few more minutes of walking and by the time I was ready to wake, all the people were wearing the masks. I believe that it was brought on by an episode of Doctor Who I flicked on to that day. The episode was set in WW1 you see.

      About a month passed as did two more less intense Lucid dreams, and here I am, waiting for the next.

      Thanks for reading, long, I know...

      - Axis

      "The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes"
      Recorded Dreams - 3412. Lucid Dreams since joining - 245.

    2. #2
      Member Dagonis's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2005
      On my laptop somewhere
      I've seen longer, in fact I like to write longer ones myself lol. Good job on having your first few LDs you should really try to do more with it then just take in the scenery. 8)

    3. #3
      Crazy Cat Lady Burns's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2004
      Congrats on the LDs! Keep 'em coming.

    4. #4
      Member Axis's Avatar
      Join Date
      Apr 2006
      Adelaide, South Australia.
      Originally posted by Dagonis
      I've seen longer, in fact I like to write longer ones myself lol. Good job on having your first few LDs you should really try to do more with it then just take in the scenery. *8)
      I’m trying a technique that trains yourself slowly. You start off looking at things and recognizing small things and then move onto the larger, more intense things.

      So far it has worked for me.

      - Axis

      "The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes"
      Recorded Dreams - 3412. Lucid Dreams since joining - 245.


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