So 20 days after lucid dream #1, where I lost control about five seconds aftering going lucid, here comes lucid #2. What's interesting about it is that it occured at a weird point in time. I had gone to sleep at 11 and, had woken up at 6:30, remembering no dreams, and I just decided that I should try to sleep a little more, since I had time. I was also pretty sick, so in between sleeps I got up and walked around a whole lot. As a result, my second sleep in which the lucid dream occured felt EXTREMELY light, almost to the point of not being sleep at all, so light that I sort of doubt if I was even dreaming at all. The details of the experience seem too thorough for me not to have been dreaming, but I'm not quite sure. Anyway, here it is:


So it starts out as this really weird dream. It's like there's some highschool reunion type thing going on, and we rented out this weird Wal-Mart that's more like a cross between a Wal-Mart and West Chester University. So I notice that all of the Wal-Mart workers seem to be being oppressed or something and the cavalier college kids are just doing whatever they want. Later on I'm on some lower level which is like a dance floor. Scott Freeman is showing me his 19-inch monitor and I'm impressed by it, and we both laugh at how huge Derek's monitor is (he's not there @ the time though.) Then I go out onto the main floor and who do I run into... but Bob, the most annoying kid in the universe. I try to ignore him but he makes a point of talking loudly so I'm forced to acknowledge his presence. Then Dan comes along and he's being his usual obnoxious self, and eventually, I end up leaving somehow. Before I know it, it seems, I'm running around outside down the street and I'm like "shit, I have no clothes." I try to think about how the hell it happened but I can't really pin down at what point I lost my clothes and I can't remember too many immediate details about the past in general So I'm running around, and the Wal-Mart place has totally glass walls that everyone can see out of so I'm trying to use a little stealth as I go from building to building. I get a little lost, and the area doesn't make sense to me as I navigate around. Then, I get to the front entrance, finally, which is a brick building that looks nothing like a Wal-Mart, but seems more like a military or government headquarters or something. At this point I realize that I've got clothes on, and I'm just kind of like "got it, I'm dreaming." Unlike last time this happened though, the dream continues without fading out. I enter the building and go down a corridor that leads to a room that's like an office, kind of like the Nagai Industries office in Shenmue. There are some people in there but notably there's a sort of attractive girl sitting down in a chair who's like doing her nails or something. I figure that sense it's a dream I'll try kissing her to see what happens. Her lips are pretty cold and at first she resists a lot but after even three seconds she's making out with me, at which point I withdraw and leave. As I leave, she whispers "I love you...", which I found to be highly amusing.

So I'm still walking around and somehow I ended up at my house. I don't really remember how I ended up there, exactly. In my house it wasn't night anymore like it was at the Wal-Mart place, but it was a sunny spring day. I was still aware that I was dreaming so I tried to do a few things like fly, etc. Nothing worked though, and I figured that for this dream, I must be pretty bound to real-world physics. I went to my parents' room and practiced martial arts for a very little bit, and then I went downstairs. Halfway down the stairs though, my groin started really hurting, like someone had kicked me there (not THAT badly though.. haha). I was like "well, it's a dream, so I guess I'll will it away or something?" I tried, but it didn't work. I just kind of said "oh well." Then, in the kitchen, I saw my sister walking out to the garage to go somewhere. I briefly thought "wow, it'd be fun to tell her that this is all just a dream in my imagination, I wonder what she'd do..", but I decided not to since she was still my sister, and it would be nicer not to ruin her perception of reality. Then I looked through the glass door, which leads to the deck and then to the backyard and the woods and fields behind our house. I for some reason thought, "wow, if I went out there, my dream probably would fade off..." I think I did go out there, and sure enough, although my memory of this is REALLY unclear, when I went out there, I suddenly felt present in my real body again, lying on my bed, being sick and congested (boo hoo.) It was really fast - just "lah.. I'm dreaming", to "oh, right, I'm awake now."