Haven't been on DV in awhile been pretty busy. That doesn't stop me from striving to get some LDs here and there although i get a lot less then when I'm on vacation from college. Well here goes a pasty from my DJ.

The lucid dream I had was cool I was in my living room and all of a sudden I’m holding some weird smoking pipe(For tobaco or something) having it suddenly appear in my hands triggered me to become lucid so I say to myself hey cool if I hold this and I can still feel it in my hand I should be able to stay dreaming so I think about summoning a chick to have sex with but I can’t seem to do it so I try to be like spiderman and climb around I climb up a wall but when I get to the ceiling my hands won’t stick and my feet start to lose grip so I grabbing hard at the ceiling trying to stick and I end up losing the dream state and being in bed with my hands tingling.

I wish I could stay dreaming longer when I realize I’m dreaming but at least I did something cool becides just wake up from being too excited.