Man, did I have a weird one last night.

Between the time change and working hideous hours, I've not achieved an LD in a couple (few?) weeks. I've barely even been remembering my dreams... which usually requires no effort.

I woke after three hours of sleep, stayed awake for a bit, then decided to try FILD. I had no success with that, so gave it up in favor of more traditional WILD, and it worked. (If you are interested in the experience itself, it is in my journal for April 7.) The LD was great, and I was able to accomplish a couple of the things I had determined to do the next timeI managed an LD. Then something weird happened.

I "woke" to a situation that should have been so very obviously a false awakening it was ridiculous and didn't recognize it. Not only that... but two different RCs failed!

The first was looking at my digital clock. It said 9:01. I looked away and back - 9:01. Just for good measure, I pinched my nose shut and couldn't breathe. All the while, I was in an apartment... (I don't live in an apartment,) I had slept until 9:00 in the morning, (I am up at five even when I don't have to work,) my clock LEDs were the wrong color and on and on. And had I just recognized it, the LD could have continued!

As it went, I "fell back asleep" in my dream... then really woke up.

Anybody else here have experience with failed reality checks???