I wanted to share something interesting that has happened since I had my first LD. [Note: You will have to have read my first LD to appreciate this post--posted under "Finally becoming lucid"].

I have been talking with my sister about what I have been trying to do, and told her all about my first LD. She is a lot like me in that she has great dream recall and knows many of her dream signs. We both share the dream sign of having our teeth becoming loose or falling out. So she knew that "teeth falling out" was the dream sign that triggered my LD.

Anyway, to get to the point, she called me earier today quite excited, and told me about a dream that she had just had.

Her dream started out a normal dream, then she was suddenly aware that her teeth were loose. It made her quite upset at first. Then she had the thought, "Oh my Gosh--I'm having a loose tooth dream just like Christine!! I need to go tell her!" So she woke herself up so she could come find me. As she was looking for me, she felt her teeth and found that they were still loose, and she realized that she was still in her dream.

So she woke herself up again so she could tell me. And she had another False Awakening. This happened 3 times before she woke up for real and was able to tell me.

She didn't consider this a Lucid Dream because she said she didn't really feel lucid, but I think she had pretty good awareness. Especially since she has never read anything about this...just heard some of the things that I had been trying.

Pretty cool....
