Hey All

Yesterday I had my 51st LD, which was really wicked...I dont remember much, but i remember a brief part where I was in this dark city, and it looked really cool, it was wet outside like it had just gotten done raining...and some dude was after me which he was standing infront of me, I told him to stop, a later woke up..

My 52nd LD happened about an hour or so ago..I was capturing some flags--I play online multiplayer game--Soldier Of Fortune 2-alot, and I ended up freefalling from a high place--might of been a building, but OMG, free falling is sooo much fun, it feels so cool..I could even hear the wind like i was actually fallilng..Well anywayz, I think i closed my dreams eyes and just listened to the wind..I opened up my dream eyes and saw that I was in a different Dream Scape and that I was talking to my ex-girlfriend, but she was no where to be found..The only way i can put it was, when Luke Skywalker communicates with Obiwon after Darth Vader kills him.... I was like touching this bed, and i could actually feel the vividness of it..But later i woke up..

thats its


dj jones

Lucid Dream Count: 52 since June 12th 2005