Tonight I had 2 LD's. One of them seemed to be like 1-1.5 hours long.

I've found myself in room with a lot of other people and a girl I like.
I spoke to her for the second time (first one was in dream just before this one ). She was cool.
But I didnt want to be annoying, so I examined the room.
It seemed extremely clear/detailed and most important - it was stable.
Nothing just shifted/changed.

Then I examined the properties of dreamworld - particulary the news paper. I saw words change into similar words when I looked at them again. I made them change into "opposite words". I particulary remember word life turning into death.
Then I saw pictures change and move. It was so cool.
Once again I spoke to the girl. She was so nice.

Here I became tired of the room and decided to use spinning technique to induce a new scene. I invited my girl with me.

So I closed my eyes, spread my arms and spinned for a while. (closing my eyes didnt cause me to wake up.)

I found myself on a river beach.
I havent seen her yet, so I decided to swim a little. I entered water and decided that I will surf instead. So I made some kind of a surfboard appear. I got on it, and made it move by the force of my will.
I surfed for a while, then I felt myself sinking. I felt/grabbed 2 hands underwater. It might have been some kind of a monster, but I just said- "It's a huge turtle".
Then I got on the beach and saw her. I spoke to her again. (I dont remember what I said).

Here I was amazed at the clarity of my mind and vividness of the picture. I said my name to increase clarity. I dont remember anything special happening.

I wanted to fly, but somehow idea of "just flying" wasnt present.

So I spinned again and found myself piloting a fighter jet through city streets. It was SO awesome. I accelerated wildly, and my will saved me from numerous collisions.
I flied higher and higher, but I found myself flying through some kind of a huge powerplant. Speed was enormous, and the plane kept changing to get more power and speed.

Then I found myself in some kind of a passenger plane, I saw my friends, but they had strange clothes on. I thought they were a part of some plan.
I performed a couple of summoning tricks and dream faded.

(Somewhere in between this I lost lucidity for a while and dreamt of my house and me trying to direct light through specific parts of my body to make other parts invisible/shadow...)

This dream was SOOOO cool. I enjoyed every moment and gained a lot of information about how dream world works.
I used Mild technique + 6 mg melatoning + Bcomplex vitamins pill, And I got to sleep at 5.55 PM. I woke up from this dream at 1.51 am.
I had many other dreams that night, including another LD and a truly great onset of WILD. I'll post them too