Hey, I was really excited about getting my first LD so I thought I might share it here XD

I first realized it was an LD when I was in the bathroom washing my hands & I noticed that my hand was deformed (which had been one of the RCs I'd been using). Then there was a lot of pacing around my room & eyeing the window distrustfully.

"Mayhaps I ought to try to fly," said I, but then I thought about the social implications of headlines like College Student Jumps To Death Somehow, Very Silly reaching my parents. >.>

Anyway, after determining that it had to be a dream since it was my old dorm room, I jumped out the window...and promptly failed at flying XD I was like "I'm flying! I'm flying! Oh...never mind." So I just landed on my feet and was like "UNEVENTFUL! TRAGEDY!" (though later I read that flying is hard to master, and then I felt better about myself )

The dream scenery wasn't as vivid as I thought it would be; mostly it was a bit shiny and damp because --I'm assuming, anyway--it'd just rained. I decided I'd try to manifest my boyfriend, and got some curious looking guy in a firefighter's uniform instead.

He looked pretty unimpressed, and I told him it was my first time having an LD just to see what he'd say. He just schmoozed around looking even more unimpressed and told me that he and [RL friend of mine] once had an LD for three days. And then he left. (at this point I was like 'Ungrateful child! That breath of thine is from me, your creator and god! sort of' )

Anyway, it was pretty uneventful after that. My roommate & her family picked me up in their minivan and I was all smug. Then I parted the waters at a pool & observed the natural fauna there (mermaids, natch ) and made a rainbow in the sky. And then I tried to manifest my bf again, which was uh a bad idea, and ended up in a random DC chasing me around a garage & me losing control of the lucidity -_-

I think there was a talking pig mask in there somewhere too But I don't remember it v. clearly since this was after my reign

So the moral of the story is...don't cheat on your LD with your boyfriend!?! XD