I haven't been around for a while because I've been too busy. I think I almost had a WILD about days ago... or I dreamed I did. I had done a WBTB and intended to WILD but it took me FOREVER to get close to getting back to sleep. I was really tired and really just wanted to get back to sleep more than anything. Eventually I started to see some very vivid hypnagogic imagery. It was like a spikey circle thing that danced in my eyes. It changed color and morphed shape. I was almost mesmerized by it and I attempted to watch it passively only to have one of my eyes open. Immediatly it went away. I closed my eyes again and still I just wanted to sleep, I had given up on WILDing this night long ago. Well it came back and eventually it changed to a scene. I was kind of like "huh" only half concious and aware that this was even taking place. My eyes opened again and everything faded. I closed them again and it came back in a few seconds. I decided even though I was tired this was as good a time as any to try to succeed. I attempted to sit up. After an immense sticky tingly feeling I managed to. My dream self was sitting in my bed but I was still vaguely aware of my physical self as well [as often I am in dreams] but the image, the dreamscape had faded and I saw nothing. Well I decided to open my "dream eyes" so to speak. Instead I opened my real eyes and woke up, this time pretty much completely. I was so tired throughout this is why I am not sure if I dreamed it or actually did it. Actually after doing this I can understand why some people call them out of body experiences or the like. It's not a belief I share personally, but I can definitely see where it comes from. Anyway I just thought I'd share my experience.